The SLURM Job Scheduler
Because the Keck Cluster is a shared resource, a job scheduler is used to provide fair access to all cluster users.
The scheduler used on the Keck Cluster is SLURM.
Users on the cluster submit requests for resources to the cluster scheduler
If the scheduler finds a block of resources large enough to satisfy the user’s request, it allocates those resources to the user immediately
If there aren’t enough resources free when the request is submitted, the user’s submission is placed in the queue specified in the user’s request
On the Keck Cluster,
is configured to use a history-aware weighted-fair-queuing algorithm to decide which queued requests to run first -
can be used to request interactive sessions or to submit batch jobs
Documentation Links
SLURM Scheduler Quick Start Guide
SLURM Scheduler Video Tutorials
There are many additional resources on the web for learning
concepts and the syntax ofSLURM
job-submission scripts:
Here is one to start with (in English, from CÉCI, a national consortium of HPC centers in Belgium):
Slurm Quick Start Tutorial
Official documentation for the version of
currently in use on the Keck Cluster:
Documentation specifically for the
utility and job-script syntax:
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