Available To:
Chapman University faculty, students, and staff on:
- Personally Owned Device or Computer
- Chapman University-owned computers
EndNote is software used to for creating bibliographies and uses as a productivity tool for researchers, students, and faculty that streamlines and automates research collection and creation. EndNote reduces the time it takes to collect, organize, and update research and references – and format documents and manuscripts.
Chapman University faculty, students, and staff on:
An online version is available from the library through the Web of Science database. Access the database from the Leatherby Library website. Scroll to the bottom of the page, click the Database A-Z list, and navigate to the Web of Science database. Once connected to the database, click the EndNote link at the top of the page.
If you plan to install it on a personally owned device, you will need to have the license keycode to install it from the vendor's download site. Get keycode information.
If you plan to install Endnote on a Chapman-owned Mac, you can do so by clicking here or via the Self-Service app, which can be found in your computer's Applications folder.
Click here to download the application. If you can't install the application on your computer or do not have admin privileges, please get in touch with the IS&T Service Desk by emailing servicedesk@chapman.edu. Please provide the Service Desk with your computer name.
Finding your computer name:
Windows 7:
Windows 10:
Live training is available on EndNote's support page. The Leatherby Libraries offers the following resources:
License Type:
Chapman University has a site license
Operating Systems Supported:
Windows and Mac
Once you leave Chapman University, you must remove ALL Site-licensed software from your personal computers.