panther statue on campus
Reporting at Chapman

» Report A Concern or Incident

If you or someone else is in need of assistance or has a concern that should be addressed, please report using one of the methods below. Please note, unless specifically indicated in the text, these reporting paths are for all Chapman students, staff and faculty. 

Retaliation Statement: The University prohibits retaliation against any individual who files a complaint of misconduct under this policy; is involved as a witness or participant in the complaint or investigation process; or refuses to engage in illegal, dishonest or fraudulent conduct.  Engaging in retaliation can result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the University.  An individual who files a complaint that the individual knows or believes to be false is not protected by this provision against retaliation and may be subject to disciplinary action for filing a false claim.

Quick Jump 
Accessibility and AccommodationsBiased-Related IncidentsConcerning BehaviorCrime and Sexual Assault Ethics Concerns and Violations | Public SafetyWorkplace Injury


Accessibility Issue or Need

Chapman University aims to create an environment that is accessible and welcoming to all. If you are having difficulty with accessibility in a digital or physical space, please use any of the methods below to provide us information so we can help.

Report an Accessibility Issue or Need

Personal Workplace Accommodations 

Reasonable workplace accommodations are intended to assist employees with disabilities to overcome limitations that interfere with their ability to perform the functions of their job and enjoy the benefits and privileges of employment. 

Request Workplace Accommodations


Cross-Cultural Education and Resource Team (CERT) Bias-Related Incident

Please use the CERT reporting form to report an incident of possible bias, hate, or discrimination. The form will be forwarded directly to the CERT team so that they may review the incident, advocate for and empower those affected, inform and educate the campus community, and promote civility and respect.

Report a Biased-Related Incident

Discrimination, Retaliation, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX

The Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) is responsible for the University's compliance with federal and state laws and University policies and procedures regarding discrimination, retaliation, sexual harassment, and sex offenses. The EOO works to promote and integrate the principles of equal opportunity, affirmative action, nondiscrimination, and inclusive excellence at Chapman University.

Report for Students 

Report for Employees (Faculty & Staff)  


For immediate needs, visit the emergency website.

Employee-Related Incidents or Concerns

Employee Relations strives to advance effective employee relationships, provide guidance on HR-related policy and procedures, manage the dispute resolution and performance management processes, support employees with wellness opportunities, manage the ergonomics and leave programs, and coordinates the employee exit process. This resource is available for all persons employed by Chapman including staff, faculty and student workers.

Report Employee-Related Incidents or Concerns

Student-Related Incident or Concern

Concerned about a student? Are they showing any behaviors of concern? Click here to view resources available to faculty members. The Student Outreach and Support team generally meets once a week to review concerns and develop plans for appropriate intervention.

Violence in the Workplace

Imminent threats must be reported immediately to 911, and then to the Department of Public Safety at (714) 997-6763 as soon as possible.

Non-immediate threats may be reported to the Department of Public Safety at (714) 997-6763; or the Office of Human Resources (714) 997-6847 or (714) 997-6686.


Crimes Involving Minors

All Chapman University employees, students, contractors and volunteers have a responsibility to report any instances of known or suspected abuse or neglect of children. Two reports must be made:

  1. Immediately notify the Department of Public Safety and/or Orange Police Department
  2. As soon as possible, make a telephone report to the Child Abuse Reporting Hotline at (714) 940-1000 or (800) 207-4464.

Crime Involving Sexual Assault (Student on Student)

Sexual misconduct and gender/sex-based harassment or discrimination can take many forms, including sexual battery, sexual assault, intimate partner violence and abuse, stalking, sexual exploitation, or other forms of sex-based or gender-based harassment or discrimination. This resource is available to anyone who knows of or witnesses student on student sexual assault

Report a Crime involving sexual assault

Discrimination, Retaliation, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX

The Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) is responsible for the University's compliance with federal and state laws and University policies and procedures regarding discrimination, retaliation, sexual harassment, and sex offenses. The EOO works to promote and integrate the principles of equal opportunity, affirmative action, nondiscrimination, and inclusive excellence at Chapman University.

Report for Students 

Report for Employees (Faculty & Staff) 


Ethics and Compliance Hotline

The Chapman Ethics and Compliance hotline is independently operated and may be used by any member to report, either directly or anonymously, activities involving violations of university policies, laws or regulations.  Please note that this hotline is not intended to replace existing reporting methods or protocols, and reporting anonymously may limit the university’s ability to resolve an incident.

Report to the Ethics and Compliance Hotline

Intercollegiate Athletics Violations

Chapman has contracted with an outside provider, Ethicspoint to receive reports regarding concerns over Intercollegiate Athletics violations.

Report Intercollegiate Athletics Violations

Misappropriation of University Assets, Account or Auditing matters

Chapman has contracted with an outside provider, Ethicspoint to receive reports regarding concerns over financial irregularities (and similar ethics related matters).

Report Misappropriation of University Assets, Account or Auditing Matters

Regulatory Violation

Chapman has contracted with an outside provider, Ethicspoint to receive reports regarding concerns over regulatory violations. 

Report Regulatory Violation

Research Misconduct

Research misconduct should be reported in accordance with the Integrity in Research Policy, found in Appendix C of the Faculty Manual.

Report through the Faculty Manual

Public Safety

Public Safety Office

The Mission of the Chapman University Department of Public Safety is to facilitate a safe environment conducive to learning, working, and personal growth through education, engagement, and the development of community partnerships. To report a concern (urgent or not), please call (714) 997-6763.

Visit Public Safety Website

Public Safety Officer Complaint

If you have a complaint against a Chapman University Department of Public Safety member that has displayed improper employee conduct, you may use this form to bring your grievance to the attention of the Public Safety management. Management will review the complaint and assign an investigator to review the facts, interview involved persons, examine any possible evidence and derive an accurate and factual finding. You will be contacted upon the conclusion of the review of your complaint. Filing a false complaint is prohibited by law and may lead to criminal or civil punitive actions.

Report Public Safety Officer Complaint


Workplace Injury Report (Worker’s Compensation)

Chapman employees who are injured on the job may use this form to report their workplace injury.

Report Workplace Injury

Have an issue to report that doesn't clearly fall into one of the pathways on this page?

Reach out to the below contacts for support.

For Student Concerns

Jerry Price, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
(714) 997-6721

For Faculty Concerns

Joseph M. Slowensky
Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Faculty Advancement
(714) 744-7882

For Staff Concerns

Brenda Rushforth, CHRO
Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
(714) 997-6779