Computer replacements occur twice a year, fall and spring semesters. When computers become eligible for replacement, the department chair and department head will be contacted via email and directed to a form listing their options and which computers are due for refresh. The email message notifying them of the replacement will contain a deadline for their reply. If they do not respond by that time, replacement will be deferred until the next phase.
Once the new computer is ready for delivery, IS&T Client Services staff will contact faculty and staff directly to setup a mutually-convenient time to deliver the new equipment. IS&T Client Services staff will transfer data from the old computer to the new one.
IS&T Standard Computer
IS&T has developed computer standards in order to keep support costs down. By using standard hardware, operating systems and applications, we can reduce the total cost of ownership, the time it takes to deploy a computer to a user/department, and the time it takes to fix and support issues. Laptops will be issued for ease and mobility.
- Laptop – Dell Latitude (if desired; includes a Dell LCD, docking station)
- Laptop – Apple Macbook Pro 14in (if desired, includes a Dell LCD, docking station)
Laptop Eligibility
The department chair or the department head will determine who qualifies for a laptop, then the following will also need to adhere to;
- The IS&T department will pay for the laptop only
- The user/department will surrender the workstation
- The laptop will be placed into the IS&T Computer Refresh Plan instead of the desktop
- The user will utilize VPN when connecting to the campus to access PeopleSoft, or other university specific applications or data stores
- User will read and sign the Mobile Device Standard form
Tablet (iPad or Android)
Tablets may be purchased with IS&T approval and purchased with departmental funds and will not be refreshed with IS&T funds.
Emeritus Status
When a faculty is granted Emeritus status, they can keep their existing computer if it is fully depreciated or receive a loan of an older computer. All Chapman data and software will need to be removed and the computer will not be refreshed or replaced.
Department Responsibilities
- Theft Replacement (lost or stolen)
- Tablet (iPad or Android) Device Replacement or Repair
- Replacement or new monitor (except new hire covered by IS&T Plan)
- Additional LCD
- Office Printers (non-network)
- Standard Scanners
- Secondary computers (not including student employee computers)
- Notify IS&T of new positions created
- Notify IS&T when faculty/staff leave the university/department
IT Plan Responsibilities:
- New Hire Computer (new positions only)
- New Hire Monitor (new position only)
- Student Employee and Temporary Computer (recycled computer)
- Kiosk Systems
- Docking station
- Network Printers and multi-function devices (department)
- Scanners (Admission and FTV only)
- Plotters
Exceptions to the Standard
Exceptions to the standard can be reviewed under the following conditions:
- An application’s requirement – not suggested requirements – the increase in computing power or special hardware requirements
- An application is unique to the department/program and requires special hardware
- Dean or Senior Administration is willing to authorize the need
If the requirements are fulfilled, the following will be applied
- CIO or Director, Client Services sign off is required
- The department will pay for the difference in cost from a standard PC desktop cost
- When it is time to refresh the device, if it is still required, the department will continue to pay for the difference from the current PC desktop cost
- The department will need to accept that support may be limited on the device and may not receive the full extent of support offered by the IS&T department
Computer equipment that has not gone through this process will not be supported or be allowed to connect to the Chapman University network.
This policy applies to all computers no matter if they were purchased with departmental funds, discretionary funds, grant money or a donation.
Personally owned devices will not be supported by IS&T. Personally owned accessories will not be connected to University computers.