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ยป Fire Protection Impairment Program
The probability of a fire or explosion causing major damage is increased whenever a fire protection system is impaired. The longer the fire protection system is impaired, the greater the probability becomes; therefore, it is necessary to minimize the duration and scope of any impairment or provide for an alternate protection system.
A Fire Protection Impairment Program is an effective management program used to:
- Limit the number of unwarranted impairments
- Supervise the safe shutdown of fire protection systems
- Control potential fire hazards during the impairments
- Restore the fire protection system to service as soon as possible
Permit Instructions
1. Purpose
To establish procedures to be followed when a fire protection system is taken out of service due to construction, alteration, power outage, repair or an emergency condition. These procedures include measures taken during the impairment to ensure that increased risks are minimized and the duration of the impairment is limited. Procedures set forth in this policy do not apply to routine scheduled maintenance or testing.2. Overview
The probability of a fire or explosion causing major damage is increased whenever a fire protection system is impaired. The longer the fire protection system is impaired, the greater the probability becomes; therefore, it is necessary to minimize the duration and scope of any impairment or provide for an alternate protection system.A Fire Protection Impairment Program is an effective management program used to:
3. Scope
This policy applies to all Chapman University employees, outside contractors and their representatives, or any company representative hired by Chapman to provide services or any outside trade workers who will be working on university property.4. Exceptions
A Fire Protection System Impairment Permit will not be required for routine maintenance and system inspections.5. Definitions
5.1. Fire Protection Systems: Sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, fire hose systems, underground fire service mains, fire pumps, water spray fixed systems, foam-water systems, special extinguishing systems, fire service control valves, fire alarms systems, and emergency lights.
5.2. Firewatch: A person or persons designated to physically patrol the area where the fire protection system is impaired.
5.3. Impairment: a shutdown, in whole or part, of a fire protection system.
5.3.1. Emergency impairment: when a fire protection system is out of service due to an unexpected occurrence, such as a ruptured pipe or an unexpected power outage.
5.3.2. Planned impairment: when a fire protection system is out of service due to work that has been planned in advance, such as revisions to the water supply or sprinkler piping system.
5.3.3. Level 1 impairment: when a limited number of components of a fire protection system are found defective or removed from service. A Level 1 impairment represents a minimal impact to the overall life safety of building occupants.
5.3.4. Level 2 impairment: a shutdown of an entire fire protection system, or major portion, significantly affecting occupant life safety.
5.4. Impairment Coordinator (IC): The person who manages the impairment while system work is being performed and has overall responsibility for proper implementation of the Fire Protection Impairment Program. The Fire & Life Safety Manager shall be designated as the Impairment Coordinator.
6. Responsibilities
6.1. Chapman University Employees
Any employee who is requesting the impairment of a fire protection system, in whole or part, must first notify the Impairment Coordinator by completing the Fire Protection Impairment Permit. Permit requests must be submitted with a minimum of two working days’ notice.
6.2. Contractors, Outside Workers, Outside Company Representatives
Any Contractor/contractor’s representative or outside worker who requires an impairment of a fire protection system, in whole or part, must notify the project manager to complete a Fire Protection Impairment Permit.
6.3. Impairment Coordinator (IC)
• The IC will determine the level of impairment due to a shutdown, in whole or part, of a fire protection system.
• The IC will be responsible for authorizing the Fire Protection Impairment Permit (Schedule A).
• The IC will be responsible for issuing and verifying removal of Fire Protection System Impairment Tag (Schedule B) when authorizing impairments.
• The IC will be responsible for coordination of the firewatch, if it has been determined that a firewatch is necessary, and the costs charged back to the project. Firewatch activities will be documented on a Firewatch Log Sheet.
• The IC will be responsible for notifying FM Global at the commencement and termination of any impairment.
7. Impairment Coordination Procedures – Level 1
• All impairments, both preplanned and emergency, shall be reported to the Impairment Coordinator, who will determine the level of the impairment.
• The Department of Public Safety Communication Center shall be notified of an impairment of a fire alarm system or fire sprinkler system that would cause a transmission of an alarm signal.
• The fire alarm monitoring company, if utilized to monitor that particular fire alarm system, shall be notified of an impairment of a fire alarm system or fire sprinkler system that would cause a transmission of an alarm signal.
• The Impairment Coordinator will ensure that level 1 impairments are satisfactorily remediated.
8. Impairment Coordination Procedures – Level 2
8.1. Preplanned Impairments
• All impairments, both preplanned and emergency, shall be reported to the Impairment Coordinator by submitting a Fire Protection System Impairment Form. The IC will determine the level of the impairment.
• The Department of Public Safety Communication Center shall be notified of an impairment of a fire alarm system or fire sprinkler system that would cause a transmission of an alarm signal.
• The fire alarm monitoring company, if utilized to monitor that particular fire alarm system, shall be notified of an impairment of a fire alarm system or fire sprinkler system that would cause a transmission of an alarm signal.
• Supervisors for the affected building shall be notified of the preplanned impairment.
• The Impairment Coordinator will complete and sign the Impairment Permit (Schedule A).
• The Impairment Coordinator will complete the Fire Protection System Impairment Tag (Schedule B). The IC will authorize the preplanned impairment and verify that the following procedures have been implemented:
1. The extent and expected duration of the impairment have been determined.
2. The areas or buildings involved have been considered and the increased risks determined.
3. When a required automatic sprinkler system is out of service for an extended duration, the impairment coordinator will arrange for one of the following:
a. Evacuation of the building or portion of the building affected by the system out of service, or
b. A fire watch for all portions of the building left unprotected by the shutdown until the fire alarm or sprinkler system has been returned to service. A fire watch utilized for a fire alarm or automatic sprinkler system shutdown will be composed of individuals beyond normal staffing, assigned to walk the areas affected. The number of fire watch personnel utilized shall be determined by the impairment coordinator.
Firewatch personnel used for fire alarm shutdowns must be specially trained in fire prevention and in occupant and fire department notification techniques. Fire watch personnel used for automatic sprinkler system shutdowns must be specially trained in fire prevention and in the use of fire extinguishers, and in occupant and fire department notification techniques. Firewatch personnel shall have no other duties.
4. When a required fire alarm system is out of service for an extended duration, the impairment coordinator shall arrange for one of the following:
a. Evacuation of the building or portion of the building affected by the system out of service, or
b. Implementation of mitigating measures for the period that the system is impaired. This considers the building occupancy type, nature and duration of impairment, building occupancy level during the impairment period, active work being conducted on the fire alarm system during the impairment, condition of other fire protection systems and features, and hazards and assets at risk. Appropriate mitigating measures range from simple occupant notification to full-time fire watch.
5. Sprinkler systems: the impairment coordinator will complete or authorize a Fire Protection System Impairment Tag (Schedule B), making sure it is located at the fire department connection and system control valve, indicating which system, or part thereof, has been removed from service.
6. Fire alarm systems: the impairment coordinator will complete or authorize a Fire Protection System Impairment Tag (Schedule B), making sure it is located at the fire alarm annunciator and fire alarm control panel, indicating which system, or part thereof, has been removed from service.
8.2. Emergency Impairment Procedures
• When an emergency impairment occurs, emergency action shall be taken to minimize potential injury and damage.
• The Impairment Coordinator will implement items 1 through 6 of section Preplanned Impairments with the following exception:
Any damage to fire protection systems caused by the contractor shall be repaired by a licensed fire protection company at the contractor’s expense. Any required firewatch activities due to damage of the fire protection equipment will be billed to the contractor. The university shall supply the firewatch activities to ensure compliance with this policy and other Chapman University policies, i.e. Hot Work Permit Policy.
9. Restoring Systems to Service
When all impaired equipment is restored to normal working order, the Impairment Coordinator will verify that the following procedures have been implemented:
• Any necessary inspections and tests have been conducted to verify that affected systems are operational.
• Place all alarms or detection devices back into service.
• Supervisors for the affected buildings have been advised that protection is restored.
• The Department of Public Safety Communications Center and monitoring company (if any) have been advised that protection is restored.
• The fire department has been advised that protection is restored.
• The property insurance carrier has been notified that protection is restored by submitting the appropriate notification forms.
• The Fire Protection System Impairment Tag has been removed.
10. References
• CCR, Title 24, Part 9 – California Fire Code, Section 907.1
• NFPA 25 –Maintenance of Water Based Fire Protection Systems, Chapter 15
• NFPA 72 – National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, Section 10.19