Downtime schedule
- Quarterly, there will be a 48-hour outage
- 1st weekend of January, April, July, and October from 6am Saturday to 6am Monday
- The April date may be shifted slightly to coincide with Spring Break
- The July date may occasionally be cancelled if the work is better suited to the August 7-day outage
- 1st weekend of January, April, July, and October from 6am Saturday to 6am Monday
- Once per year, there will be a 7-day outage
- This will be scheduled for the first week in August
Resources that will be unavailable include the Keck Cluster, all faculty research servers physically located in Keck Center 131, and all associated storage.
Scheduled downtime is necessary to keep our research environments running at high levels of speed, reliability, and security.
Contact Us
Contact with questions or requests.