• A student wearing a commencement cap
    For students entering in 2023-24
Academic Advising

Writing for Film & Television Suggested 4-year Plan

ยป Writing for Film & Television (B.F.A.): Suggested 4-year Plan for 2023-24

How to Use your 4-year Plan

  • This is a suggested 4-year plan for your major and not meant to replace regular academic advising.
  • The plan is flexible and can be changed to accommodate studying abroad, a second major/minor(s) or AP/IB credits.
  • You should work with an academic advisor to develop a plan that meets your interests and goals.
  • You must earn a minimum of 120 credits to graduate and 66 major-specific credits to earn a B.F.A. in Writing for Film & Television.
  • Transfer students should contact the program advisor for degree planning.
  • If you have any questions, please contact dodgeacademicsupport@chapman.edu.

Suggested 4-year Plan

  • We encourage you to select your General Education (GE) and minor/second major/Themed Inquiry/Honors program around the plan below. Once you fill your GE classes around your major classes, you will have a better idea of space remaining each semester when choosing your Exploration Focus.
  • To be enrolled full time, you must take at least 12 credits a semester.
  • In order to graduate within 4 years, we recommend you take 30 credits a year.

Year 1

Fall Semester (9 credits for major)

  • SW 127 Writing for Film and TV I (3 credits)
  • FTV 130 Introduction to Visual Storytelling (3 credits)*
  • SW 155 Short Film Analysis (3 credits)

Spring Semester (9 credits for major)

  • FTV 140 - Introduction to Film Aesthetics (3 credits)
  • SW 128 - Writing for Film and TV II
  • TWP 246 - History of Television

* You must earn at least a B- in FTV 130 in order to satisfy major requirements. (You must earn a C- or above in all other courses to satisfy major requirements.)



Year 2

Fall Semester (12 credits for major)

  • FS 244 - History of Film to 1959, Lecture and Laboratory (3 credits)
  • SW 257 - Feature and Series Story Analysis (3 credits)
  • SW 277 - Feature Screenwriting I (3 credits)
  • SW 297 - Short Script Workshop (3 credits)

Spring Semester (9 credits for major)

  • FS 245 - History of Film 1960 - Present, Lecture and Laboratory (3 credits)
  • SW 287 - Feature Screenwriting II (3 credits)
  • SW 310 - Pitching and Coverage (3 credits)


Year 3

Fall Semester (6 credits for major)

Spring Semester (6 credits for major)

  • SW 317 - Writing From Research (3 credits)
  • SW 328 - Series Writing: Hour-Long (3 credits)



Year 4

Fall Semester (9 credits for major)

  • SW 417 - Writing for Evolving Platforms (3 credits)
  • SW 498 - Writing Thesis (3 credits)**
  • TWP 440 - Creating the Television Series - Non-Production (3 credits) or TWP 487 - Writing the Pilot - Production (3 credits)

Spring Semester (6 credits for major)

  • SW 471 - Development Process for Film and Television (3 credits)
  • SW 498 - Writing Thesis (3 credits)**

 ** SW 498 is a required course that will be completed over 2 semesters for a total of 6 credits.  



Suggested Electives

In addition to the plan above, 1 upper-division elective (3 credits) is required and may be taken in any semester. 

  • AVE 310 - Animation and Visual Effects Industry Insiders (3 credits)
  • FTV 310 - Industry Insiders (3 credits)
  • FTV 317/HUM 317 - Unsung Stories and New Expressions (3 credits) [DEI credit]
  • FS 342 - Film Genre and Auteur Studies (3 credits)
  • PRA 351 - Business Presentations (3 credits)
  • FTV 377 - Agents and Managers (3 credits)
  • DOC 380 - Community Voices: Pre-Production (3 credits)
  • FS 443 - Advanced Topics in World Cinema (3 credits)
  • FS 444 - Advanced Topics in Film and Media Studies (3 credits)
  • ENG 302 - Writing About Diverse Cultures (3 credits)
  • PSY 319 - Motivation and Emotion (3 credits)
  • PSY 322 - Theories of Personality (3 credits)
  • ENG 328 - Writing for Video Games (3 credits)
  • PHIL 340 - Philosophy of Mind (3 credits)
Chapman Catalog

Writing for Film & Television (B.F.A.)

View all requirements, courses, and electives and elective groups on the Writing for Film & Television (B.F.A.) catalog page.