• Red Cross
PEER and Health Education

On-campus Blood Drives

» American Red Cross Blood Drives

The need for blood is a constant. The Department of PEER and Health Education hosts American Red Cross blood drives throughout the year. Student organizations and departments assist by voluteering to work the day of the drive. If you are interested in volunteering your club, organization, or department group, contact Dr. Dani Smith

Upcoming Red Cross Blood Drives at Chapman University


September 12:   in Argyros Forum 119  - 10 am - 4 pm                                                                       Volunteers for our drives:  The American Red Cross Club

November 14:    in Argyros Forum 119 - 10 am - 4 pm                                                                   

February 13:      in Argyros Forum 119 - 10 am - 4 pm

April 17:             in Argyros Forum 119 - 10 am - 4 pm                                                                  

Sign up and use code CU online at:

American Red Cross

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