panther statue
CU at the Booths

ยป CU At The Booths

Students have the option and right to vote in either their school community or their home community. Because students are likely first-time or new voters and may be voting in a different community or state than their home, it is important to know how and when to register in your preferred state.

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Registering to Vote in California

Whether you have yet to register or are already registered in California or another state, TurboVote is a great resource for you! TurboVote makes sure you always know when elections are happening and have the information you need to vote with confidence. Sign up to receive election reminders, get registered to vote, and/or apply for your absentee ballot!

Registering to Vote Outside of California

Did you know only 38 states allow for online voter registration? Regardless of whether the state in which you'd like to register allows for online voter registration, TurboVote will make sure you get everything you need. If your state allows for online registration, it will be processed confidentially through TurboVote; if your state doesn't allow for online registration, creating an account in TurboVote will make sure all of the necessary forms are delivered to you in the mail. To confirm the voter registration deadline for your preferred state, visit the U.S. Vote Foundation.

Learning About the Issues

Visit the websites below to stay informed about the issues and learn more about which candidates might represent you best.

  • Registration
  • FAQs
  • Student Voting Data
  • CA Voting Law
  • Our Commitment
  • Voter Registration

    The 1st step to participating in elections is making sure you are registered to vote. Voter registration requirements vary by state, which makes registering early very important. Visit the Campus Vote Project for more information on voter registration requirements for each state. Once you know what's needed, visit TurboVote to register and be reminded about upcoming election dates.

    Voter Residency

    As a college student, you have the right to vote a) in your school community, or b) in your home community. This decision is entirely yours.

    If you decide to register to vote here in California, you have two choices:

    1. Declare residency: You can establish residency in California if you have a present intention to remain at your California school address for the time being, and you intend to make it your principal home.
    2. Use your home address: If your parents are from California, the Secretary of State has also clarified that you may choose between your school addresses and your parents’ homes when deciding where to register to vote.

    Visit the Campus Vote Project for more information on registering and voting as a student.

    If you wish to maintain your residency in another state, you can apply for an absentee ballot via TurboVote.

    • Where is my polling place? Visit to find your local polling place.

    • Do I need to be a U.S. citizen in order to register to vote? Yes. You must be a naturally born or fully naturalized U.S. citizen in order to register to vote.
    • Do I need to be 18 in order to register to vote? Age requirements for registration vary among the states. Visit the Campus Vote Project for state-by-state voting guides that specify the age requirement of your preferred state.
    • What is the deadline to register to vote? The deadline to register to vote varies from state to state. Some states allow you to register at the polls on election day. Visit the Campus Vote Project for state-by-state voting guides that specify the registration deadline of your preferred state.
    • I am a student. Can I register to vote at my school address? Yes. You have the right to register to vote at your school address.
    • I live abroad. How do I register to vote? The Federal Voting Assistance Program specializes in supporting people in the armed forces and people living abroad in registering to vote.
    • How can I check if I am registered to vote? If you've already registered, you can visit HeadCount to verify your registration status.
    • How can I make changes to my voter registration? Keeping your voter registration up to date is important. If you have recently moved, want to change your political affiliation (party) or make any other changes your registration, you can do so by updating your registration via TurboVote.
    • What is a voter card? After you register to vote, most states send out a "voter card" to let you know your registration has gone through. The voter card helps you to confirm you're registered to vote and that your information is correct. Most also contain information about where you will go to vote on Election Day.
  • Chapman is one of more than 1,000 colleges and universities participating in the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE). Civic Engagement Initiatives' participation in this study is helping to build a database of nearly 30 million college student records that is already serving as a foundation for innovative research on college student political learning and engagement in democracy. Feel free to review our most recent campus report for more information.  Highlights include:

    • 57.2% of eligible Chapman students voted in the 2016 elections, up from 46.6% in 2012.
    • 81.6% of eligible Chapman students registered to vote in the 2016 elections, up from 71.7% in 2012.
    • 44% of Chapman students voted in the 2018 midterm elections. 
  • The California Secretary of State provides a Voting Law Compliance Handbook with more information about your rights related to petitioning, registering, voting, and counting ballots.
  • Chapman University is committed to ensuring every student has the resources they need to participate in the elections in which they are eligible.  President Struppa has signed the Presidents' Commitment to Full Student Voter Participation, symbolizing Chapman's commitment to engaging students in our democracy.  Civic Engagement Initiatives participates in the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, Ask Every Student, NASPA's LEAD Initiative, and the Voter Friendly Campus program to ensure our voter engagement work remains current and informed by best practices across the nation.

Party Information

Take some time to review the websites of the various political parties to learn more about their history, platform, and candidates. What elements of each party do you agree and/or disagree with?

America's Party

Constitution Party

Democratic Party

Green Party

Independent American Party

Libertarian Party

Party for Socialism and Liberation

Peace and Freedom Party

Reform Party

Republican Party

Email if you know of another party you'd like to see added to this list!