A Discussion on the Non-Delegation and Chevron Deference Doctrines
Keynote Address
Friday, January 22, 2021, 12-1 p.m.
Via Zoom
Bethany Ring, a recent Fowler School of Law graduate who spent her last semester of law school examining the Chevron Deference Doctrine and writing a published law review article on the topic, will introduce the symposium. The Hon. Neomi Rao, U.S. Court of Appeals Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit, will provide the keynote address for the symposium.
Non-Delegation Panel
Friday, January 29, 2021, 12-2 p.m.
Via Zoom
Notable scholars will present their respective arguments and debate whether Congress' delegation of its legislative powers conforms or conflicts with the U.S. Constitution's basic tenants.
- Richard Epstein, the inaugural Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law, New York University
- Jack Beermann, Professor of Law and Political Science and Harry Elwood Warren Scholar, Boston University
- Kurt Eggert, Professor of Law and Director, Alona Cortese Elder Law Center, Fowler School of Law
Moderator: Tom Campbell, Doy and Dee Henley Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence, Fowler School of Law
Chevron Doctrine Panel
Friday, February 5, 2021, 12-2 p.m.
Via Zoom
Judge Janice Rogers Brown will delineate how the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit applies the Chevron Deference Doctrine, while esteemed legal scholars will provide arguments in favor of and against the Chevron Deference Doctrine's application.
- The Hon. Janice Rodgers Brown, U.S. Court of Appeals Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit
- Tom Caso, Professor of Law and Director, Constitutional Jurisprudence Clinic, Fowler School of Law
- Alan Morrison, the Lerner Family Associate Dean for Public Interest and Public Service Law, George Washington University Law School
Moderator: Kurt Eggert, Professor of Law, Fowler School of Law, and Director, Alona Cortese Elder Law Center