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Learning at Chapman
BA Art History

Learning at Chapman
BA Art History
Program Learning Outcomes
- Argyros College of Business and Economics
- Attallah College of Educational Studies
- Crean College of Heath and Behavioral Sciences
- College of Performance Arts
- Dodge College of Film and Media Arts
- Fowler School of Engineering
- Fowler School of Law
- School of Communication
- Schmid College of Science and Technology
- School of Pharmacy
- Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
ยป BA Art History Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to write both descriptively and analytically about works of art in a variety of media.
- Students will be able to write an independent research paper that uses formal analysis and scholarly research to develop and support a thesis.
- Students will be able to conduct advanced art historical research using the full range of scholarly resources.
- Students will be conversant with the theoretical concerns of Art History and its allied disciplines and apply specific theoretical perspectives to their research projects.
- Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Learning Outcomes
- BA Art History Learning Outcomes
- BA English Learning Outcomes
- BA French Learning Outcomes
- BA History Learning Outcomes
- BA Peace & Justice Studies Learning Outcomes
- BA Political Science Learning Outcomes
- BA Religious Studies Learning Outcomes
- BA Sociology Learning Outcomes
- BA Spanish Learning Outcomes
- BFA Art Learning Outcomes
- BFA Creative Writing Learning Outcomes
- BFA Graphic Design Learning Outcomes
- MA English Learning Outcomes
- MA International Studies Learning Outcomes
- MA War and Society Learning Outcomes
- MFA Creative Writing Learning Outcomes