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Learning at Chapman
General Education Learning Outcomes

Learning at Chapman
General Education Learning Outcomes
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ยป General Education Learning Outcomes
The General Education program at Chapman provides undergraduate students with a breadth and depth of knowledge that prepares them to think critically and solve problems in a dynamic world. Each General Education area of inquiry provides student learning outcomes consistent with our mission and vision, giving students a uniquely Chapman experience.
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Artistic Inquiry
Students compose critical or creative works that embody or analyze conceptually an artistic form at a baccalaureate/pre-professional level.
Citizenship, Community, Service Inquiry
Students choose a course and/or complete three credits in one of the following categories that addresses that category’s learning outcomes.
- Citizenship Learning Outcome: Student demonstrates through analysis and/or personal engagement an understanding of the emergence, development, operations, and/or consequences of political systems in the US and other countries. Student can identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens and/or leaders as embodied in political, civic, or service organizations.
- Community Learning Outcome: Student demonstrates through analysis and/or personal engagement an understanding of the emergence, development, changes
and challenges to and, in some cases, destruction of diverse social groups who are marginalized within the context of larger societal environments.Student demonstrates through written, oral, media orother communication process a critical perspective on issues of civil rights, self-representation, participatory politics, and/or similar issues of inclusiveness. Service Learning Outcome: Student examines the theoretical and/or applied aspects of community service through coursework and/or through active engagement in a service -learning experience and demonstrates:- the ability to apply discipline‐specific and/or interdisciplinary knowledge and critical thinking skills to community issues.
- critical self‐reflection of the student’s own assumptions and values as applied to community issues.
- knowledge and sensitivity to issues of culture, diversity, and social justice as applied to community engagement.
First-Year Focus
Student critically analyzes and communicates complex issues and ideas.
Global Studies Inquiry
Students connect contemporary social and/or environmental topics to their origins and analyze their effects on our increasingly globalized world.
Exploration Focus
Integrates an additional specialized knowledge with the major field or adds a secondary area of study in order to enrich personal or professional goals.
Language Inquiry
- Students will understand, speak, read and write the target language at the intermediate or above level as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) proficiency guidelines.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of culture(s) where the target language is spoken and will compare similarities and differences across languages and cultures (according to National Standards in Foreign Language Education –Known as ‘The Five Cs’).
Natural Sciences Inquiry
Students engage in scientific investigation to explore the knowledge produced by scientific processes.
Quantitative Inquiry
Students create sophisticated arguments supported by quantitative evidence and can clearly communicate those arguments in a variety of formats (using words, tables, graphs, mathematical equations, etc., as appropriate).
Social Inquiry
Students identify, frame and analyze social and/or historical structures and institutions in the world today.
Values and Ethics Inquiry
Students articulate how values and ethics inform human understanding, structures, and behavior.
Written Inquiry
Students establish active, genuine, and responsible authorial engagement; communicate a purpose—an argument or other intentional point/goal; invokes a specific audience, develop the argument/content with an internal logic-organization; integrate references, citations, and source materials logically and dialogically, indicating how forms of evidence relate to each other and the author’s position; and compose the text with: a style or styles appropriate to the purpose and intended audience, a consistent use of the diction appropriate to the author’s topic and purpose, the ability to establish and vary authorial voice(s) and tone(s), a choice of form(s) and genre(s) appropriate to purpose and audience (forms may be digital and/or multimodal), and rhetorically effective use of language.