Exploration Focus Learning Outcome: Integrates an additional specialized knowledge with the major field or adds a secondary area of study in order to enrich personal or professional goals.
Themed Inquiry Courses
Exploration Focus Assessment Rubric
Exploration Focus Assessment Process
Assessment Date: The Exploration Focus (previously known as Inter/Multidisciplinary) area was assessed in spring 2011. The assessment resulted in the following action steps.
Action Steps Taken:
- A revised learning outcome statement and evaluation rubric were adopted.
- The Exploration Focus outcome statement and goals should be periodically revisited in light of evolving terminology in the field of interdisciplinary studies.
- The Exploration Focus outcome statement and rubric criteria will be widely distributed to faculty members teachingExploration Focus courses each semester.
- A direct means of assessing the abilities of students to integrate learning across disciplines would be preferable. The viability of a signature assignment that would integrate learning across all themed inquiry courses should be studied and considered.