» IRB Policies

The Chapman University Institutional Review Board (IRB) operates under policies and procedures mandated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Office for Human Research Protections. These policies are available for review at www.hhs.gov/ohrp/. The following documents are meant to serve both as policy statements for the Chapman University IRB and as guidelines for investigators involving human subjects in their research.


List of IRB Guidance Documents

Name of IRB guidance document

Date of current version

General Procedures Manual


Recruitment of Research Participants


Vulnerable Populations in Research


Guidelines for Student Classroom Projects and Research Involving Human Subjects


Informed Consent


Initial Review of Human Subject Research


Renewals of Research Involving Human Participants


IRB Review of Modifications


Study Closure


Post-Approval Monitoring


Incident Reports


Research Noncompliance


Suspension and Termination of Research


Reporting to Regulatory Agencies and Sponsor Regarding Research Involving Human Participants


Guidance for Accessing Health Data Including Protected Health Information (PHI)


Data and Safety Monitoring Plan


Research Involving Deception or Incomplete Disclosure


Guidelines for International Research


Conflict of Interest


Device Checklist Guidance


Audio, Video or Digital Recordings


Use of Raffles/Drawings in Research


Research Using Data Collection on Social Media and Online Communities


For more detailed information on changes to the guidelines, please click here.