» About Our Office

Office of Research & Graduate Education Mission:

The Office of Research and Graduate Education has overall leadership and oversight responsibilities for Chapman University’s research enterprises and graduate degree and professional programs. We support faculty and students throughout the life cycle of sponsored activities and contracts, as well as throughout student graduate studies and research. We seek to foster collaboration, interdisciplinary approaches, innovations, and demonstrated impact of Chapman’s academic, research, scholarship, and creative activity by supporting the quality and productivity of faculty, graduate students, and researchers during their time here at Chapman.

What do we do?

The Office of Research provides guidance and expertise in:

  • Identifying funding opportunities.
  • Proposal development including budget development.
  • Federal, state, foundation, and university policies and submission processes.
  • Negotiating award acceptance, including post-submission modifications such as budget modifications, narrative revisions, and other clarifications.
  • Financial monitoring and oversight of sponsored activity funds in collaboration with PIs and departmental grant support staff.
  • Contract negotiations in coordination with the Office of Legal Affairs as required for award approval.
  • Observing mandatory compliance for research involving human subjects, animals, biosafety, export controls, research integrity and financial conflict of interest.
  • Promoting student success and well-being across graduate programs.
  • Raising the profile and recognition of Chapman graduate programs.
  • Fostering collaboration between graduate programs and disciplines.
  • Ensuring consistency of policies across graduate and professional programs.
  • Ensuring comprehensive approaches to graduate and professional student recruitment, retention, progression, and completion.
  • Helping graduate and professional programs to reduce costs of the administration and delivery.
  • Collecting and analyzing data to support university decisions about graduate and professional programs.

 Faculty Fellow Leadership Opportunities

We are pleased to announce the leadership opportunity for a Faculty Fellow for Spring 2025 in the Office of Research and Graduate Education.

This opportunity seeks tenure track and tenured faculty who seek to enhance their professional leadership through supporting each office’s strategic goals through a variety of activities.

Appointments will start with the beginning of the Spring 2025. Faculty Fellows will receive a stipend for their work. The application due date has been extended until February 10th 2025 at 12pm (noon). 


Research Tools & Resources:

Please click below for Research Tools & Resources for principal investigators.

 Organizational Chart: 

Contact Us:

You are welcome to reach us via phone or email at the following:

Research Main Phone: (714) 628-2805

For inquiries from external parties please email: officeofresearch@chapman.edu  or GradEd@chapman.edu

For internal research inquiries from the chapman community please submit a JIRA ticket to the Office of Research.


Please click below for more information on our Staff.