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Center for Undergraduate Excellence

291/491 Student-Faculty Research and Creative Activity for Course Credit

» 291/491 Student-Faculty Research and Creative Activity for Course Credit

Dr. Vernon Smith going over reading with students

Student-Faculty Research/Creative Activity allows students to work directly with a faculty mentor on independent contributions to the mentor's scholarly research/creative project(s) or on the student's independent scholarly research/creative project under faculty guidance. 

This coursework is available to undergraduate matriculated students. 291 is available to all undergraduate matriculated students. 491 is available to junior/senior-level only. This allows students to earn course credit while making an original contribution to scholarship or creative work in a discipline or across disciplines. 291/491 projects are designed to enhance traditional learning formats; therefore, no degree or minor program can require 291/491 for all its students, nor should a program use this system to cover a gap in its curriculum or staffing.

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The Faculty Mentor Directory is an online tool that provides undergraduate students a network of faculty members interested in mentoring undergraduate students in research or creative activity. Students can explore the Faculty Mentor Directory to identify potential faculty mentors that inspire or fit their academic and intellectual research/creative interests.

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Dr. John Hunter, Director - Crean Hall 141
Lisa Kendrick, Operations Manager - DeMille Hall 108