Discover Chapman Day
Wilkinson College

» So Many Events, So Little Time!

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences hosts a wide variety of events throughout the year such as lectures, documentary/film screenings, panel debates, art exhibits, conferences, poetry/literary readings, and so much more. Check out the Wilkinson events calendar for a full list of all the exciting things we have coming up!

Below is some information about occurring events and series within the college.

Department of Art Annual Events

The Department of Art hosts many events throughout the spring and fall semesters, including The Visual Thinker Lecture Series, The Bensussen Distinguished Lecture in the Arts Series, The Margo Pawell Design SymposiumThe Art History Symposium and art exhibitions in the Guggenheim Gallery

Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation

Wilkinson College is committed to leading the conversation in our community on issues of humanity, unity and justice. As such, the college will undertake five, semester-long examinations of key societal issues, such as The Significance of Race and Environmental Justice. These interdisciplinary, campus-wide conversations will promote thoughtful dialogue; mindful reflection; social tolerance; awareness and respect; peace and kindness.

John Fowles Center for Creative Writing Series

The John Fowles Center for Creative Writing Series offers students and non-students alike an opportunity to gain a greater appreciation for the "written word" and those who write it. Each year a distinguished group of national and international writers is invited to Chapman University, making these writers available not only to the Chapman community, but to the Orange County and, by extension, the Southern California community as well.

Public Policy Conference

Each spring the Political Science Department hosts an all day event discussing topics such as fighting climate change, the future of transportation, public policy and the housing market. Take a look at past events below and mark your calendar for the Spring 2021 conference taking place on April 7, 2021.

The Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education Series

Chapman University's academic program for students is augmented by an exceptional co-curricular program, including The "1939" Club Lecture Series, the Schwartz Holocaust Lecture Series, and The "1939" Club's Leopold Page Memorial Righteous Rescuers Lecture Series.  These lectures bring to Chapman distinguished scholars, innovative film makers, and inspiring survivors and rescuers of the Holocaust, as well as those who are voices for justice and human rights in our world today.

Tabula Poetica Poetry/Reading Series

Tabula Poetica: The Center for Poetry at Chapman University is dedicated to creating an environment to celebrate poetry in a variety of forms and venues. Here, we foster a culture of poetry appreciation by engaging and supporting the veteran writer, the novice poet, the student, and the general reader in an effort to share poems and conversation about this art form.