Chapman's religious studies faculty are nationally and internationally recognized scholars who are engaged in cutting edge research in their fields and bring this expertise into the classroom.
» Spotlight on Faculty

Julye Bidmead

Marilyn Harran

Rafael Luévano
Department Lecturers
Mihwa Choi received her Ph.D. in History of Religions from the University of Chicago and is the author of Death Rituals and Politics in Northern Song China (Oxford University Press, 2017). Her articles appear in the Journal of Daoist Studies, the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies and Semeia.
Lorin Geitner received his JD from Loyola University of Chicago and his MLIS from the University of Illinois and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Religious Studies at Claremont Graduate University. Before coming to Chapman, he practiced law for nine years, and he has published a number of articles dealing with the interface of law and religion. He developed and teaches the department’s course Rel 380 Law and Religion. Learn more about Prof. Geitner.
Jay Kumar received his Ph.D. from the California Institute for Integral Studies and is the inaugural Director of Contemplative Practices and Wellbeing at Chapman’s Fish Interfaith Center. His recent book Science of a Happy Brain: Thriving in the Age of Anger, Anxiety, and Addiction (2019) is based on the Happiness course he teaches, Religion 350.
Scott D. Mackie received his Ph.D. from Fuller Theological Seminary and is the author of Eschatology and Exhortation in the Epistle to the Hebrews (Mohr Siebeck, 2007) and editor of The Letter to the Hebrews: Critical Readings (T&T Clark, 2018). Find more articles by Dr. Mackie on
Illana Maymind received her Ph.D. in Comparative Studies at Ohio State University and is the author of Exile and Otherness: The Ethics of Shinran and Maimonides (Lexington Books, 2020). Learn more about Dr. Maymind and her new book.
Michael Pregill received his Ph.D. from Columbia University and is a scholar of comparative religion, focusing on early and classical Islam, Late Antiquity, and the comparative study of scriptural traditions, especially the Bible and the Qur’an. He received the 2021 American Academy of Religion Award of Excellence in Textual Studies for his book The Golden Calf between Bible and Qur’an: Scripture, Polemic, and Exegesis from Late Antiquity to Islam (Oxford, 2020). Learn more about Dr. Pregill and his award-winning book.
Kirk Sandvig received his Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh and is the author of Hidden Christians in Japan: Breaking the Silence (Lexington Books, 2020). In collaboration with Anderson Jeremiah of Lancaster University and Janice McLean-Ferrel of New Brunswick Theological Seminary, Dr. Sandvig is co-hosting a new podcast entitled “Religion Matters.” Their aim is to discuss issues surrounding religion in the world today and current research conducted by academics, as well as the intersection of religion with economics, biology, neuroscience, race, politics, gender and more.
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