• Admission Counselor Christian Aguilar
Undergraduate Admission

Meet Your Counselor: Christian Aguilar

» Christian Aguilar

Associate Director of Diversity Initiatives


Christian's Bio

Originally from Los Angeles, Christian graduated with a degree in Communication Studies from the College of Saint Benedict & Saint John’s University in Collegeville, MN in 2011 and a Master’s in Leadership Development from Chapman in 2019. Throughout college, Christian was a four-year soccer player at Saint John’s, Tour Guide, Residential Assistant, and studied abroad in Italy and Greece. After graduating, he spent another year at Saint Ben’s/Saint John’s as an admission counselor traveling extensively in the New York/New Jersey and upper Midwest areas.

Since joining Chapman’s admission team in 2013, Christian has been passionately involved throughout campus and our local communities. He’s been part of the Latinx Staff & Faculty Forum, First-Generation Advisory Board, and most recently involved with the Latinx Alumni Steering Committee.

Advice from Christian

Don’t let the “sticker price” of a college be the determining factor for whether you will apply or not. You should always take things one step at a time. Worry about applying and being admitted first — everything else will come after, like a domino effect. Take things one step at a time and you will do great.

Favorite spot on campus

My favorite spot on campus is on the third floor of Keck Center overlooking the football field. It’s a nice and quiet space with an inspiring gallery from the women of Chapman to historic research artifacts and science-inspired art. This is a great spot for those looking for a quiet space to study or get some work done.

Best admission memory

Some of my best admission memories include the students/families I’ve helped over the years. Assisting them through the admission and financial aid process, helping them through their journey at Chapman, and seeing them cross the graduation stage!

Best college memory

I have so many great college memories, but the ONE that stands above the rest would have to be studying abroad in fall of senior year. I was given the opportunity to study abroad in Rome, Italy and Athens, Greece, two of the most beautiful and historic places on earth. Being able to travel to places like the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, the Vatican, the Uffizi museum, acropolis hill, Cape Sounion, and Sparta — these historical places you only learn about in a history book — was awesome. I am the biggest advocate for studying abroad and would encourage everyone to do it, even if it’s not for an entire semester.

Fast facts

3 words to describe myself: Altruistic, gregarious, and witty.

Favorite subject: History

Role model: My father.

Favorite musical performer/band/composer: Mana, Marc Anthony, Carlos Vives, Maluma, Bad Bunny, Grupo Firme.

Most prized possession: Passport.

Favorite summer activities: Camping, hiking, traveling.

Book you would read again: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

Best movies of all time: Star Wars Original Trilogy, Harry Potter, Black Panther.

Favorite quote: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." – MLK

Dream job: Professional Pillow Tester.