• Admission Counselor Andrea Moreno
Undergraduate Admission

Meet Your Counselor: Andrea Moreno

» Andrea Moreno

Admission Counselor

Send an email: andream@chapman.edu

Send a text: (714) 769-6902

Andrea's bio

Andrea Moreno is originally from Seville, Spain where she grew up with her younger sister. Her family moved to Atlanta, Georgia in 2008 and have stayed there since, their love of Coca-Cola growing every day. 

In 2022, Andrea graduated from The University of Tampa with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Advertising and Public Relations and a minor in French. Throughout her time at UT, she developed leadership and interpersonal skills through various roles in student organizations, on and off-campus jobs, and internship opportunities.

Andrea thrives by uniting diverse audiences and creating transformative experiences and is excited to be a part of the Chapman Family!

Advice from Andrea

Tune into what makes you excited about attending Chapman! You know yourself the best, and if something peaks your interest, talk about it in your application and speak on what you hope to bring to campus.

Favorite spot on campus

Memorial Lawn has a special place in my heart, whether it's seeing the student events held there or strolling through campus for the first time. 

Best admission memory

Walking into my desk on my first day and seeing my co-workers had decorated my space and personalized it with my favorite things was the most heart-warming start.

Fast facts

Three words to describe myself: Creative, caretaker, determined.

Favorite subjects: Languages and Art.

Role model: My younger siblings, Nicole, Ale and Lucia. 

Favorite musical performer/band/composer: La Rosalia.

Most prized possessions: My first stuffed animal.

Favorite summer activities: Exploring new places! Whether that means a new coffee shop or a summer vacation.

Book you would read again: Un Cuento Perfecto by Elisabet Benavent.

Best movie of all time: Pride and Prejudice a thousand times over.

Dream job: Food critic.