» Wilkinson Scholarly/Creative Activity Faculty Grant

The intent of the fund is to support the development of impactful and innovative scholarly or creative work by Wilkinson College tenure-track or tenured faculty. Awards are made in two categories, one for tenure-track faculty and one for tenured faculty. Faculty are encouraged to consult Allison DeVries (devries@chapman.edu) for assistance with their applications.

  • Maximum award amount: $5,000 per award
  • Period of performance: 24 months
  • Expected outputs: Peer-Reviewed Publication or Exhibition


  • Application available: January 31, 2025
  • Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on March 14, 2025 (Forms submitted past the deadline WILL NOT be accepted!)
  • Expected notification date: Early May 2025
  • Performance Period: June 1, 2025-May 31, 2027

Specifically, this program aims to:

  • Advance faculty career trajectories,
  • Elevate the national visibility and reputation of Wilkinson faculty for their excellence in creative and scholarly endeavors, and
  • Provide faculty with opportunities to catalyze new and innovative areas or bring an existing project to completion.


Any full-time Wilkinson College tenure-track or tenured faculty member can apply. A faculty member is permitted to submit only one application each cycle as Principal Investigator/Project Director. Current and immediate past recipients (i.e., those with awards from the previous two cycles) are not eligible to apply this cycle. This fund does not support applications for the creation of new courses or for the development of professional conferences or meetings. Awardees must complete mid-project and final narrative reports.

Criteria for Selection:

The overall merit of the proposed project will be evaluated by a panel of faculty reviewers, which are assembled by the Wilkinson College Dean and Associate Dean. The faculty review panels’ feedback will be used to inform the dean in determination of final funding approval. Evaluation criteria include:

  • The merit of the proposed work and quality of the application
  • The feasibility that the proposed work will be completed during the award period and the likelihood that this work will result in publication or dissemination
  • Record of scholarship and expertise of the applicant
  • Impact on faculty career trajectory, including tenure and promotion