» Wilkinson College Course Release Proposal Form Fall 2025

This academic year, there are a limited number of course releases available from the Wilkinson Dean’s office to support faculty research/creative-based projects and interdisciplinary team-taught undergraduate and graduate courses. Note: For team-taught courses, the course release is split, allowing two faculty members to co-teach a course in load, and each faculty member must submit their own application.


  • Research/Creative Based Projects – Tenure Track and Tenured Full-Time Faculty
  • Interdisciplinary Team-Taught Undergraduate & Graduate Courses – Full Time Faculty
  • Faculty who have not received course releases or releases for research in the last two academic years from any source.  

Fall 2025:

  • Proposals are due February 7, 2025.
  • Decisions and notifications will be made by February 15, 2025.


Proposals will be reviewed and ranked by the dean and associate dean.

Successful candidates who receive research/creative-based course releases for either fall or spring cannot teach an overload in the same academic year.

If your application is successful, you will be required to discuss what you accomplished with the course release in your annual report.

To apply, please complete the following information: