» Student Work Showcase

Watch a selection of award-winning Chapman films, documentaries and television, and broadcast news projects; and browse a collection of our PR, advertising and entertainment marketing campaigns.

PLEASE NOTE: Student films are uncensored and may contain material offensive to some viewers

Leo Freedman Foundation First Cut

A collection of narrative, animation/VFX and documentary student films selected for our annual Leo Freedman Foundation First Cut event.


A selection of award-winning documentaries created in our Dhont Documentary Center.

PR, Advertising, and Entertainment Marketing Campaigns

Browse a selection of PR, advertising, and entertainment marketing campaigns created by Dodge College students.

Television Productions

Watch a collection of television pilots created by Dodge College students.

Animation and VFX

Browse our collection of animation and visual effects thesis films and promo reels.


Learn more about Dodge College’s Emmy-nominated weekly live newscast. Broadcast throughout Southern California on Time Warner Channel 6, U-Verse Channel 99 and online at www.chapmannews.tv.


Dodge College offers a complete curriculum of undergraduate and graduate degrees for students interested in all facets of the film and media arts.