• Marion Knott Studios building on the Chapman campus
Dodge College of Film and Media Arts

Dodge College Facilities

» Dodge College Facilities

A closer look at the facilities available to students 24/7 at Dodge College of Film and Media Arts.

Marion Knott Studios

Unique in higher education, the 76,000-square-foot Marion Knott Studios was specifically designed from the ground up to replicate a working production studio.

Digital Media Arts Center

Designed to encourage and facilitate creativity, the Digital Media Arts Center enhances the living/learning environment for students while laying the foundation for a new era of excellence in digital media.

Chapman Studios West

This 38,000-square-foot building includes a scene shop, prop/set warehouse, and supports Dodge College’s burgeoning documentary filmmaking program in the Dhont Documentary Center.

Outside of Marion Knott StudiosVisit Dodge College

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Watch a Video Tour

See and learn more about all three Dodge College facilities at Chapman University. Ranked as a top film school, these facilities help students bring their creative visions to life.

Take a Look Around our Production Studios

Take a virtual 360-degree tour of Marion Knott Studios to see our on-campus production spaces, editing suites and much more.

Launch Dodge College of Film and Media Arts Tour