» Minor in Health Science

A minor in Health Science focuses on the study of basic components of human health and human performance.  Students learn theoretical information and lab techniques to study health processes.  A minimum of nine credits must be upper-division.

Minor in Health Science Classes

Requirements (22 credits)
BIO 204/204L From Molecules to Cells: Evolution of Life on Earth (Gen Biol I)
From Molecules to Cells: Evolution of Life on Earth (Gen Biol I) Lab
CHEM 140/140L General Chemistry I/General Chemistry I Lab   4
HSCI 210/210L Human Anatomy/Human Anatomy Lab 4
HSCI 365 Human Physiology, Part A 3
HSCI 366/366L Human Physiology, Part B/Human Physiology, Part B Lab 4
Electives (6-7 credits)
AHP 420 Applied Exercise Physiology/Applied Exercise Physiology Lab 4
HSCI 485 Aging & Health 3
AHP 340 Adv. Topics in Physiology: Science of Obesity 3
AHP 345 Pathophysiology: Diet, Disease, and Exercise 3
AHP 407 Applied Nutrition for Exercise Performance 3