Morgan Read-Davidson

Morgan Read-Davidson

Assistant Professor, Instructional Faculty
Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Department of English
Office Location: Becket Building 134
Office Hours: M 10-1p and W 10-1p
Phone: (714) 532-7706
Chapman University, Bachelor of Fine Arts
Chapman University, Master of Arts
Chapman University, Master of Fine Arts


I am an Assistant Professor of Instruction at Chapman University, and the Director of Undergraduate Writing Programs, which include the BFA in Creative Writing, Rhetoric and Composition Studies, and Iluminación Writing Program. I am home grown, completing my B.F.A. in Film Production, M.A. in English, and M.F.A. in Creative Writing all at Chapman University. In 2005 I won the Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting from the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences.

My primary areas of research and teaching are rhetoric and composition, community writing and writing programs, posthuman rhetorics, and ludonarratology, or the intersection of game play and narrative. In creative writing I've written feature and short screenplays and a television pilot, short stories in fiction and nonfiction, and two novels of historical fiction.

For musings on rhetoric and a look at my pedagogy, you can visit The Scribes' Arena.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

“Trigger Warnings and a Pedagogy of Trust.” FEN Blog. Composition Studies Journal, March 27, 2023
“Ditch Salmon.” Flyway Journal. Winter, 2023
Peaking.” Citric Acid. Issue 6, Spring, 2023
“The Last Battle of the Great White.” Jelly Bucket. Issue 11. August, 2021
“Possibility and Play: Ludonarratology as Liberating Praxis.” The Proceedings of the Annual Computers and Writing Conference, 2018. Eds. Chen Chen, Kristopher Purzycki, and Lydia Wilkes. Fort Collins, CO: The WAC Clearninghouse, 2019. 113-124
“Illuminating Collaboration: Bringing the Writing Program to the Community.” Writing Program and Writing Center Collaborations: Transcending Boundaries. Eds. Alice J. Myatt and Lynée Gaillet. New York: Macmillan, 2017.
“Raven Child.” Alt Hist. Ed. Mark Lord. Issue 10, Feb. 2017. 31-45.
"Business Writing and Social Media: Making Rhetorical Choices That Build Relationships." Contexts & Choices: A Guide to Practical Writing. Doug Sweet. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2012: 183-204.
"Dear God" Pique Magazine. 2010