Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) is a society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Since its founding in 1922, more than 200,000 persons have been accepted into lifetime membership, and more than 520 chapters have been established throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.
TriBeta was founded in 1922 at Oklahoma City University--the Alpha Chapter--by Dr. Frank G. Brooks and a group of his students. The idea of an honor and professional society for biology students spread rapidly and by 1925, the society was a national organization. Biennial national conventions of student and faculty members began in that year and in 1930 the society journal, BIOS, began publication of student research, articles of interest to biologists and society news. As the society grew, it was divided into regional and district groups, each of which holds a convention annually. At the heart of every district and national meeting are student research papers presented in the style of graduate meetings. Awards are given for outstanding individual and chapter accomplishment.
Individual membership in TriBeta is through a chapter on the campus of a four-year accredited college or university. There are now more than 406 chapters offering their members activities and experiences that enrich and extend but do not duplicate the primary requirements for the biology major. The national constitution provides a framework for chapter activities, but each chapter is free to function in accordance with its own needs and school philosophy. Chapter programs typically include guest speakers, reports of research by members and department faculty, field trips, maintenance of collections, community service and social gatherings. Most chapters have a lounge or office on campus. A faculty advisor provides continuity and experience to the student members.