» Uri M. Maoz, Ph.D.

Uri M. MaozAssistant Professor of Computational Neuroscience and Psychology
Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences
Schmid College of Science and Technology
Fowler School of Engineering
Institute for Interdisciplinary Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Chapman University

Visiting Assistant Professor
Anderson School of Management
University of California Los Angeles

Visiting Associate in Biology and Bioengineering
California Institute of Technology

Email: maoz@chapman.edu


2013 - 2015

Ph.D. in Neural Computation, Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (Mentors: Yair Weiss and Tamar Flash)

1996 - 2000

B.S. (cum laude) in Computer Science and Amirim (Signature Interdisciplinary Honors Program in Humanities and Social Sciences), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel



Present Consultant, Delta Brain

2010 - 2017

Independent Consultant, Boston Scientific Neuromodulation

1999 - 2000

Software Engineer, BioMediCom

1996 - 1999

Founding Director, EDGE Intelligent Machines


Neuroscience research in the lab of Uri Maoz lies at the intersection of volition, decision-making, and moral choice. We use a combination of empirical techniques (e.g., EEG, intracranial recordings, behavioral studies) and theoretical modeling to develop a computational account of volition, with an emphasis on the decision-making processes that lead to voluntary action and on the role of consciousness in such processes. In particular, we use machine learning to carry out online, real-time, closed-loop analysis of neural data, as it is being recorded. We are further interested in the legal, ethical, conceptual, technological, and economic implications of this work.