» S. Austin Lee, Ph.D.

Austin Lee, Ph.D.Associate Professor, School of Communication
Email: seulee@chapman.edu


2009 - 2012

Ph.D. in Communication, Department of Communication, Michigan State University (Mentors: Prof. Hee Sun Park & Timothy Levine)

2007 - 2009

M.A. in Communication, Department of Communication, Michigan State University


2017 - 2018

Associate Professor, Northern Kentucky University

2012 - 2017

Assistant Professor, Northern Kentucky University

2003 - 2006

Software Engineer, SK Telecom


Austin Lee studies how emerging information and communication technology influences human attitudes and behaviors. His research integrates communication and human-machine interaction to advance a theory of persuasive technology that enables robots and intelligent agents to build credibility, gain trust, and, ultimately, function more effectively. To connect his research with teaching, he offers innovative, interdisciplinary courses, including Social Robotics. His academic work has been recognized by multiple top paper awards from the National Communication Association and featured in media outlets, including Cincinnati Public Radio and Cincinnati Business Courier.