Two chapman science students in a lab
Chapman University Strategic Plan

» Expanding Graduate Health Science Programs


Enhance programs and state-of-the-art facilities at the Rinker Health Science Campus in Irvine to provide even more career opportunities and meet community needs.

Year Two Update (2023-2024)

Strengthen and Create Programs

  • In advance of creating new accredited health professional programs, Crean College and the School of Pharmacy have focused attention on developing an integrated health science campus. In year two, we have:
    • Appointed a design team to identify redundant operations.  
    • Agreed to pursue contracts, primarily clinical site contracts, as the first redundancy to address. 
    • Formulated integration plan that included naming a health care contract specialist to oversee all clinical contracts. 
    • Obtained feedback from and support for this plan from Legal Affairs, Risk Management and Human Resources.

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Rinker campus center