Invest in development tools, processes and technology so Chapman faculty, staff and administrators at all levels can deliver a consistently outstanding Chapman Experience.
Year Two Updates (2023-2024)
Academic Affairs
- Argyros College of Business and Economics received a five-year extension of its AACSB accreditation.
- The School of Pharmacy received re-accreditation.
- The Office of Assessment and Accreditation has streamlined the assessment process and eliminated core competency assessment since this is no longer a mandate by WASC. Program reviews are scheduled on a seven year cycle. Co-curricular program reviews are calendared and scheduled as needed for strategic planning.
- Campus Planning and Design completed the bi-annual update to the university-wide Space Needs Profile, with updated Classroom Utilization Data and Analysis.
- A Classroom Working Group has been organized to coordinate efforts of FM, IS&T, Registrar, CETL and CP&D to optimize existing classroom resources.
- The inaugural Provost’s Organizational Excellence Fund was launched in 2024, with the winning proposal coming from the Office of Student Life, selected by a committee of faculty and staff from 18 submissions. The proposal was to digitize the property review process for dormitory check-out. The award of $20,000 will streamline the check-in/check-out processes for students and eliminate the need for physical space to store paper records. A second award is planned for 2025.
Human Resources
- Working on deployment of a new classification taxonomy known as Career Compass that offers greater transparency around the classification process, which is aimed at allowing staff to see and understand skills and qualifications required to advance within a career track. Phase one of this project was launched in spring 2024 and this phase will be completed by mid-fall.
- Deployed the Chapman Cultural Essentials Series, a series of development tools for leaders at all levels of the organization.
- Deployed new programming, events, and tools to enhance staff engagement, promote greater staff feedback opportunities, and best align performance feedback to its commitment for ongoing recognition and engagement,leveraging technology as available to aid in responding to the expectations of the 21st Century workforce, beginning with the stand-alone Staff Years of Service Celebration.
Information Systems and Technology
- Implemented Slate CRM in the Advising office to manage advising for the incoming class of fall 2024.
- Worked with the Provost’s Office to implement dashboards to manage student success.
- Worked with the Provost’s Office to create accessible reports for program review data.
- Implemented a module to track outside interests for faculty in Cayuse.
- Supported the Office of Student Life in implementing a new system in support of student organizations.
- Upgraded Class Climate, our student evaluation tool, to the most current version.
- Integrated Cayuse with our Peoplesoft Finance and HCM systems, eliminating manual data entry in the Office of Research.
- Implemented two new systems, PantrySoft and Free Food, in support of the food pantries on the Orange Campus and Rinker Campus.
- Developed dashboards to support the events management team in their oversight of campus spaces, making more spaces available for student functions.
- Created new systems in Peoplesoft to capture adjunct faculty contract data to ensure consistency across the campus and allow for reporting of data.
- In partnership with the Office of Human Resources, implemented Position Management and other enhancements to our HCM system.
- Created and implemented an automated system for Career and Professional Development.
- Worked with the Office of Human Resources to improve processes for the campus through the utilization of DocuSign, currently in pilot.
- Update the online timesheet to Oracle’s fluid technology, improving the look and feel of the system.
- Provided data and dashboards to the Office of Human Resources as they implemented SB 1162.
- Implemented a texting solution and accompanying policy. Initial use case was in support of the Alumni office.