» Adam Smith Bust

“If a foreign country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it of them with some part of the produce of our own industry, employed in a war in which we have some advantage.”

- Adam Smith

Busts of historic figures are displayed throughout the Chapman campus, showcasing notable individuals from around the world. Coming soon, this space will feature commentaries by Chapman faculty experts about all the figures represented with campus busts. Together, these commentaries will provide a critical context for intellectually robust discussions of the complex roles the individuals played in the broad sweep of an imperfect history.

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Collection of Historical Figures Tour

View the map locations of the Collection of Historical Figures statues located throughout the Chapman campuses.

Adam Smith bust


The Orange County Register

The Fletcher Jones Chair in International Business and Economics

Miriam Lutzky

Campus Location
Sodaro Promenade, Orange Campus