» Motherhood Conference Speaker Abstracts

Sofia Ahmed, York University
Muslim Mothering

Leah Aldridge, Champan University
Your children will soon be forgotten: Black Motherhood in 12 Years a Slave

Miranda J. Brady, Carleton University
The Trouble of Mediated White Motherhood After Second Wave Feminism

Gooyong Kim Cheyney, University of Pennsylvania
Toward a theorization of political maternity in the post-Gwangju Uprising Movement: Between reproduction and transformulation of Confucian gender norms

Molly Wiant Cummins, University of Texas at Arlington; Hsun-Yu Sharon Chuang, Denison University; and Elizabeth Y. Whittington, Prairie View A&M University
Intensive Motherhood Is Not Inevitable: A Community Autoethnography Exploring Experiences of U.S. Intensive Motherhood Discourse

Kelli Fuery, Chapman University
The Precarious Intimacy of Screened Abortion

Emeer Hassanpour, University of Southern California
Incomeless Mothers and Domestic Slavery: The Specter of Female Silence in Cinema

Thea Jones, York University
The Outlawed Nipple: Breastless parents and the desire to conform to normative mothering

Mi-Jeong Lee, Université de Montréal
Posthuman Individuated Narrativity: Motherhood in the Cinema of Hong Sang-Soo

Sandy M May, York University
The Impossible Truth and Reconciliation of Canada's Birth Evacuation Policy

Ame Khin May-Kyawt, York University
Motherhood and Gender Role: A Study of Employed Myanmar Diasporic Mothers in The Greater Toronto Area

Minju Kwon & Iara Gonzalez-Ascencio, Chapman University
Mothers Against Tequila Waste: Strategies for Environmental Activism in Mexico

Katrina Millan, York University
Only Mom Can Save the World: Maternal Myths of Salvation and Destruction in Post-Apocalyptic Film

Daisy Milman, Texas Tech
University Development of the Digital Era Good Motherhood Scale

Essraa Nawar, Chapman University
What you do not know about Muslim American Women

Junghun Oh, UC San Diego
Let Us Show Our True Lives: How Korean Activist Mothers of People with Developmental Disabilities Create Epistemological Resources in Society

Veronique Olivier, Chapman University
Colette and Motherhood as Language

Alexandra Petrus, University of Southern California
A (False) Biography of an Unknown Mother

Tina Powell, York University
A Case for Motherhood as an Intersectional Identity: A Feminist's Labor of Love

Amber Power, Chapman University
Reimagining The Mother: Contemporary Intermedial Approaches to Brecht’s 1932 ‘Learning Play’

Elena Rahman, York University
Mothers of the Olive Tree

Samira Rajabi, University of Colorado
What is it to mother without children?

Katherine Sobering and Liss LaFleu, University of North Texas
Queer Childbirth in America: Reimagining Judy Chicago's Birth Project through Arts-Based Research

J.Wells, University of Kentucky
The Crisis of Childrearing Behind Bars: Analyzing the Construction of Motherhood in Prison Nursery Programs

Stacy L. Young & Chelsea Jones, CSU-Long Beach
Body Talk in Mother-Daughter Relationships: Mothers as Villain, Victim, or Hero

Feiyang Zhang, University of Southern California
Song of Spring and Petite Maman: Reciprocal Motherhood in Traumatic Contemporary Life

Yinqi Zhou, Duke University
Queer Motherhood: Deconstruction and Reconfiguration of Motherhood in All About My Mother