A significant amount of Chapman’s institutional data is already accessible in pre-published reports. The data you need may already be available to you. Please see our Data Reports page to browse, or request access to, existing reports that might meet your needs.
If the report you need doesn’t seem to exist yet, or you aren’t sure, read on to learn about the data request process.
One of Data@Chapman’s goals is to centralize the data request process so that data can be requested even if the requester doesn’t know who to ask. In the meantime, you can request data from the following sources depending on the data area.
Please note that to access intuitional data, you must have completed FERPA training and must have a legitimate educational interest in the information you are requesting and need the information in order to perform an assigned job duty, assignment or task.
Institutional Research and Decision Support (IRADS). IRADS is the source of official university statistics and equips administrators, staff, and faculty with data to support planning, policy development, and decision making to advance student success and further the overall mission of the University. Please use the IRADS data request form if you need data:
- To report an official university figure (e.g., retention rate, graduation rate, FTE) or census data to an external agency/vendor, grant application, or for recruitment, marketing or public relations purposes.
- To report to an accreditation agency.
- To evaluate a program, intervention, or department.
- For strategic planning or short- or long-term planning purposes.
- To contact students (via email, phone, or USPS) for daily operations or to survey students (and obtain a survey sample).
- To supplement your program review or include in an assessment/annual report
- For daily internal operations which are ad-hoc
- From our institutional surveys that is not publicly available
Panther Analytics/Data Services. Open a Service Desk ticket and mention Panther Analytics/Data Services to make a request. This method is best if you need a business intelligence process (dashboard, query, merged data files) developed to deliver/extract data on an ongoing basis and a one-day lag is acceptable. Note that this team will seek the approval of the data owners before complying with your request.
Strategic Marketing & Communications. If you have questions about traffic to your school or office’s Chapman webpages, open a Workfront request to initiate this process.
Does your department or office provide its own data or reports to the Chapman community on request? If so, let us know how at data@chapman.edu so that we can include it as a resource on this page.
Not sure where to find the data you’re looking for? Email us at data@chapman.edu.