» Profiles - Students and Alumni

Check out how you gift has an impact on current students and why alumni choose to give back.

Student Profiles

photo of Maria Martinez '13

Maria Cristina Martinez '13

Environmental Science and Policy
Chapman has given me countless opportunities to discover my passion through personalized classes with dedicated professors, funds to study and volunteer abroad, service opportunities in the community and plenty of networking opportunities. Coming from large public schools in Los Angeles, I never imagined myself at a small private school, but these past four years have been an incredible time of personal growth for me. My interdisciplinary academic interests have always made it difficult to decide on a specific career path, but thanks to supportive professors, faculty and peers, I have been able to develop and apply my strengths to rewarding internships, leadership roles and service opportunities. It is extremely important to me to be able to give back to Chapman and our surrounding community for giving me so much. I am very grateful for the incredible generosity that all Chapman donors contribute to student scholarships because I, and many other students, would not be here without them.
photo of Olivia Del Rio '16

Olivia Del Rio '16

Public Relations and Advertising
In such a short amount of time Chapman has had an immense impact on my life. Never have I been a part of such a loving community of staff, faculty and students. The enthusiasm of the people I have met here inspires me to further understand myself and my passions. I feel it is only right for me to give back to the community and people who have given me so much. Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Chapman Fund. Without you I would not be able to attend the school of my dreams.
photo of Beverly Falco '13

Beverly Marie Falco '13

As a transfer student, I am extremely grateful to be attending Chapman. My on-campus work-study position as a Student Civic Engagement Assistant with the Department of Student & Campus Life has made my goal of giving back and serving the community a reality. I am making valuable connections with non-profit agencies, which will help me in my future job searches, while assisting students in getting more involved. Without the Trustees Scholarship covering part of my tuition, I would not be able to attend. Many thanks to the generous donors who have helped me in working toward achieving my goals.
photo of Jennifer Feinstein ’14

Jennifer Feinstein ’14

Environmental Science and Policy
Before I started college, I had little exposure to opinions, religions, or lifestyles different than mine and I’ve been able to learn a great deal at Chapman from my involvements and courses and the people I meet. I could not have had most of these opportunities if I attended a larger institution. These unique and meaningful experiences have taught me valuable things about others and about myself that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I would not be able to attend this institution without the generous contributions of donors. Thank you for helping me have incredibly memorable and meaningful experiences during my time at Chapman.

Alumni Profiles

photo of Jessica Cardelucci ’10

Jessica Cardelucci ’10

How has Chapman helped you discover your passions?
I have always had a passion for graphic arts and fine art photography. Pursuing a BFA in Graphic Design at Chapman University not only gave me the skills to successfully work in the design industry, but the ability to achieve anything in life. My program taught us to be great artists, while forcing us to think critically about our work. Having the skill to present and defend my creations in front of others is priceless. This is something I highly value from my education as these skills can make me successful in any industry, not just the arts. I thank Chapman for giving me the expertise and resources to take what I am passionate about and turn it into a career. I didn’t graduate in pursuit of the perfect career, I made my own!
How do you make an impact in your community?
I enjoy helping other young entrepreneurs. Coming from an art background, I find I have a unique approach to business solutions. It’s great to work with other young entrepreneurs as we combine our knowledge and help each other grow.
Why do you give back to Chapman University?
Not only was the education irreplaceable but I valued every experience and person I met at Chapman. I want to allow others to share my same journey while also helping the university grow. Chapman helped me discover myself in so many ways that giving back is the least I could do.
photo of Kevin Flaherty ’05

Kevin Flaherty ’05

How has Chapman helped you discover your passions?
Utilizing the personalized education and encouraging words I received from Chapman University and its staff has led to passions I never before knew were possible.
Why do you give back to Chapman University?
I live and work in the SF Bay Area now, close to Stanford University, and have seen the impact and momentum strong alumni support has on an educational powerhouse. I believe that Chapman University will be recognized as a Stanford-type educational powerhouse very soon, and I am honored to be a part of the force that will bring that same recognition to Chapman U.
How do you make an impact in your community?
Working in the Real Estate, Construction and Solar Energy sectors leads to interactions with a breadth of individuals and organizations. We rebuild houses for individuals in need and provide free construction and real estate consultations to organizations that help those in need. We are currently working on projects to help provide solar energy to the more than 2 billion people in the world who go to sleep each night without electricity.
photo of Rebecca Kirsch ’05

Rebecca Kirsch ’05

How has Chapman helped you discover your passions?
As a freshman, I entered Dodge College excited to acquire a strong educational foundation in the worlds of film and television, and the skill set that would allow me to pursue a career as a screenwriter and television writer. The amazing and dedicated faculty at Dodge College gave me all that I was looking for, and much more. My academic experience reaffirmed the strong passion I already had for film and television, and fueled the fire to burn even brighter. What I hadn’t expected is that I’d meet such an extraordinary group of classmates whose spirit and enthusiasm for our shared craft inspired and encouraged me. Years later, the bonds of our graduating class are as strong and supportive as ever, and I’m so grateful that we have each other’s backs in our very challenging industry.
Why do you give back to Chapman University?
I’m honored to have received a very generous Presidential Scholarship from Chapman University, which made it financially possible for me to attend. Now, as an alumna, giving back to the Chapman Fund to help support current and future students with scholarships is the least that I can do to express my gratitude for the amazing opportunity that I was given.
How do you make an impact in your community?
I volunteer at the Amanda Foundation, a nonprofit animal rescue organization, and at KCRW, Santa Monica’s local public radio station. I’ve recently discovered a wonderful nonprofit that works with young women in high schools to encourage self-expression through creative writing, and I’m looking forward to volunteering with them in the near future.
photo of Scott Pastel '06

Scott Pastel '06

How has Chapman helped you discover your passions?
At Chapman, I was able to discover and harness my entrepreneurial spirit from the teachers I got to know, many of whom were business owners themselves. They not only talked the talk, but also walked the walk. Seeing their success helped me realize what I wanted to accomplish. I was also very inspired to hear so many stories of past CU students who achieved great success in their careers. I realized that they had the same exact same tools I was given, except with the constant growth of Chapman I had even more opportunity at my fingertips than they did. It made me think to myself, “If they can do it, so can I.”
Why do you give back to Chapman University?
I can’t put a price on how much CU has shaped me as a person. The friends and relationships I obtained, the wisdom and knowledge I gained from my professors, the advice and guidance I received from my counselors, the inspiration from past students, the fun social events, and the unforgettable memories along the way are all invaluable to me. Knowing that I can give that same opportunity to someone else makes giving back a no-brainer. I feel like what I contribute is miniscule compared to what I have gained, yet knowing that I might be impacting those who are walking in my shoes makes every penny worth it.
How do you make an impact in your community?
My company helps middle to upper-middle class individuals who feel that no matter how hard they work, they cannot get ahead financially nor adequately prepare for retirement. I give live presentations and one-on-one consultations to those who are in need of investment advice, money saving techniques, and tangible resources to help them get out of the “Rat Race” and live in financial freedom. Knowing that I have helped so many people create a comfortable life, free from financial stress and anxiety, is what constantly pushes me forward.
photo of Justin Schulte '09

Justin Schulte '09

How has Chapman helped you discover your passions?
Chapman helped me discover that I am a people person and enjoy educating young people
Why do you give back to Chapman University?
I give back to Chapman because it gave me a wealth of knowledge in many facets of everyday life.
How do you make an impact in your community?
I volunteer in my area for coaching youth baseball and football teams in the community. Also, for the past four years I have co-chaired a club that donates toys during Christmas to Marine families.