International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications
»IWOTA 2021 Special Sessions
Other sessions can be proposed by the participants subject to approval. Contact conference organizers to propose a new session. Sessions on PDEs will be welcome.
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1. Applications of Operator Theory in Quantum Physics (Justin Dressel & Cai Waegell)
2. Fourier Analysis and Applications (CANCELED)
3. Hilbert Spaces of Analytic Functions and Applications (Javad Mashreghi)
4. Infinite Dimensional Analysis and Stochastic Processes (Palle Jorgensen, Myung-Sin Song, James Tian))
5. Laplacian Eigenfunctions – Counts, Morphologies and Statistics (Gregory Berkolaiko and Uzy Smilansky)
6. Linear Systems, Fourier Analysis, and Applications (Izchak Lewkowicz)
7. Operator Theory and Interpolation in Several Complex Variables (Joseph Ball & Vladimir Bolotnikov)
8. Operators and Hypercomplex Analysis (Paula Cerejeiras, Irene Sabadini)
9. Operator Theory on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (Raul Quiroga and Nikolai Vasilevski)
10. Pseudo-differential Operators (Sandro Coriasco, Nenad Teofanov, Joachim Toft, and Patrik Wahlberg)
11. Spectral Theory and Differential Operators (Jussi Behrndt, Carsten Trunk)
12. Theory of Superoscillations (Daniele Struppa)
13. General Session for Contributed Papers
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