Robert Pankey is Assistant Director of Institutional Research and Decision Support. In this role, he is available to assist with your reporting and decision-making by providing raw data, assisting in analysis, designing reports and models, increasing your understanding of the University’s data systems and flows, and help with strategic planning. Common tasks Robert assists departments with include accreditation and ranking reporting, program review, process improvement, data exploration, program analysis, and preparation/validation of marketing materials.
Robert is a Chapman alumnus and has worked in both the Registrar’s Office and Institutional Research and Decision Support (IRADS). Twenty-plus years at Chapman has given Robert deep and wide knowledge of the University’s history, processes, and data systems. He was involved in both the Datatel and PeopleSoft data conversions at Chapman. He is active on various campus committees and working groups related to data management and integrity, Panther Analytics, and diversity. He is especially gratified in helping staff to gain insights from data that lead to program improvement and better student outcomes. Supporting first-generation students and economic diversity on campus are special interests.