The French Program at Chapman University has a long tradition of excellence with great instructors who enhance the learning atmosphere with their unique insights on various aspects of the Francophone world.
Students majoring in French will acquire a considerable degree of competency in the written and spoken language as well as knowledge of the literature and culture of France and the French-speaking world.
Studying French at Chapman is a tremendous experience that empowers the learner to choose the direction of their own education within the degree itself. The framework for a major or minor is in place with several choices available every semester.
A major in French is an excellent portal to a variety of careers in the humanities, the economic world, government, and science, and to a lifetime of global awareness and cultural reflection.
Special visit from Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Chapman University Presidential Fellow Elie Wiesel guest lectures entirely in French in Dr. Boitano’s seminar on his writings.
Degrees Offered:
B.A. French: Requirements for completing a B.A. in French: 30 credits, 24 of which must be upper-division.
B.A. Global Communication & World Languages (French): Requirements for completing this BA: 24 credits in communication studies and 24 credits in French starting with FR 201 and FR 202. Learn more and apply!
Minor in French: Requirements for completing a minor in French: 21 credits, 15 of which must be upper-division.
Why should you study French?
First and foremost, learning French is the pleasure of learning a beautiful, rich, melodious language that is often called the language of love. French is also an analytical language that structures thought and develops critical thinking, which is a valuable skill for discussions and negotiations.