Dr. Yashar Barardehi

Dr. Yashar Barardehi

Assistant Professor
The George L. Argyros College of Business and Economics
Office Location: Beckman Hall 405 D
Allameh Tabatabai University, Bachelor of Arts
Sharif University of Technology, Master of Science
University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, Ph.D.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Barardehi, Y.H., P. Dixon, and Q. Liu (2023). "Detecting Informed Trading Risk from Undercutting Activity in Limit Order Markets." Working paper.
Barardehi, Y.H., A. Bird, S.A. Karolyi, and T.G. Ruchti (2022). "Are Short Selling Restrictions Effective?" Management Science, Forthcoming.
Barardehi, Y.H., Z. Da, and M. Warachka (2022). "The Information in Industry-Neutral Self-Financed Trades." Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.
Barardehi, Y.H. and D. Bernhardt (2022). "Uncovering the impacts of endogenous liquidity consumption in intraday trading patterns." Revise & Resubmit, Journal of Financial Markets.
Barardehi, Y.H., D. Bernhardt, Z. Da, and M. Warachka (2022). "Internalized Retail Order Imbalances and Institutional Liquidity Demand." Working paper.
Barardehi, Y.H., D. Bernhardt, Z. Da, and M. Warachka (2022). "Uncovering the Liquidity Premium in Stock Returns Using Sub-Penny Trade Executions." Working paper.
Barardehi, Y.H., P. Dixon, Q. Liu, and A. Lohr (2022). "The Tick Size Tradeoff: Implications for Optimal Tick Sizes and Causal Inference." Working paper.
Barardehi, Y.H., V. Bogousslavsky, and D. Muravyev (2022). "What Drives Momentum and Reversal? Evidence from Day and Night Signals." Revise & Resubmit, Review of Financial Studies.
Y.H. Barardehi, D. Bernhardt, T.G. Ruchti, and M. Weidenmier (2021). "The Night and Day of Amihud’s (2002) Liquidity Measure." Review of Asset Pricing Studies (11)2, 269-360.
Y.H. Barardehi, D. Bernhardt, and R.J. Davies (2019). "Trade-time Measures of Liquidity." Review of Financial Studies (32)1, 126-179.
Barardehi, Y.H., D. Bernhardt, and T.G. Ruchti (2019). "A Test of Speculative Arbitrage: Is the Cross-section of Volatility Invariant?" Working paper