Dr. Quaylan Allen
- Scholarly Works:
Digital Commons
- Education:
- California State University, Sacramento, Bachelor of Science
Arizona State University, Master of Education
Arizona State University, Ph.D.
Dr. Quaylan Allen is an Associate Professor in the Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies at Chapman University. Dr. Allen teaches primarily in the undergraduate programs and is also appointed to the faculty of the Ph.D. in Education programs. A 2010 graduate from the Mary Lou Fulton College of Education at Arizona State University, Dr. Allen received his doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with an emphasis on Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education.
Dr. Allen’s research and practices focus on educational equity, racial justice and improving the educational and social outcomes for culturally diverse communities. In particular, his research centers on Black male educational success in K-12 and higher education settings, college access for underrepresented communities, intersectional masculinities and gender socialization, and participant visual methodologies with diverse youth populations. Dr. Allen has professional experiences working in K-12 schools, higher education, and community-based organizations. He is also the former director of Chapman University’s First-Generation Programs and the founding director of the African Studies minor. His scholarship has appeared in academic journals such as Race Ethnicity and Education, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, and the International Journal of Qualitative Methods. He currently serves on the editorial boards of journals such as Urban Education and Gender & Education.
K-12 and Higher Education Experience
Dr. Allen has worked in a variety of educational settings including non-profit organizations, universities and K-12 schools. Dr. Allen worked as a coordinator of community education programs for a non-profit organization partnering with Olympic athletes to deliver health and fitness initiative programs in elementary schools. He also served as program director for a National Science Foundation funded technology program for girls of color, where he conducted professional development training for high school teachers on how to engage teenage girls in social justice research using digital technologies (i.e. digital media, computer programming, etc.). Additionally, Dr. Allen has worked in higher education as a program coordinator for residential life living learning communities and first-generation scholarship programs. He has also assisted with high school-to-college programs for Black male high school students and their families, providing academic tutoring, college readiness skills, and mentoring. Finally, Dr. Allen has experience in both neighborhood and charter high schools as an instructor teaching academic development and college readiness to underrepresented students, and as an education researcher examining the impact of school policies and practices on Black male educational outcomes.
Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications
Allen, Q. (2023). “I don’t fit that stereotype”: Participant Photography and the Visual (Re)positioning of Black Men. Visual Studies.
Miles Nash, A., Allen, Q. (2021). Caution, Approaching Intersection: Black Educators Teaching in the Crossroads of Resistance and Responsiveness. AILACTE Journal, Special Issue, 54-75.
Jandric, P., Hayes, D., Levinson, P. et al. (2021). Teaching in the Age of Covid-19—1 Year Later. Postdigital Science and Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-021-00243-7
Allen, Q. (2021). Campus Racial Climate, Boundary Work and the Fear and Sexualization of Black Masculinities on a Predominantly White University. Men and Masculinities. https://doi.org/10.1177/1097184X211039002
Allen, Q. (2020) Voices of Scholars: Academically Successful Black Males and Their Stories of Culturally Relevant Pedagogies. In Hogg et al. (Eds), Pedagogies of With-ness: Students, Teachers, Voice and Agency. Meyers Education Press
Jandric, P., Hayes, D., Truelove, I. et al. (2020). Teaching in the Age of Covid-19. Postdigital Science and Education. 2(3), 1069-1230. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-020-00169-6
Allen, Q. (2020). Examining the Multiple Sites of Meaning in a Participant Photography Project with Black Male College Students. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19, 1-11.
Allen, Q., White-Smith, K. (2018). “That’s why I say stay in school”: Black Mothers’ Parental Involvement, Cultural Wealth and Exclusion in their Son’s Schooling. Urban Education, 43(3), 409-435
Allen, Q. (2018). (In)Visible Men on Campus: Campus Racial Climate and Subversive Black Masculinities at a Predominantly White Liberal Arts University. Gender and Education. Online First
Allen, Q. (2017). “They write me off and don’t give me a chance to learn anything”: Positioning, discipline and black masculinities in school. Anthroplogy and Education Quarterly, 48(3).
Allen, Q. (2016). "Tell your own story”: Manhood, masculinity and racial socialization among Black fathers and their sons. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39, 1831-1848
Allen, Q. (2016). #Blackmalesmatter: Contributing factors to disproportionality in Black male student discipline (Policy Brief). Center for Urban Education, University of Pittsburgh
Allen, Q. (2015). “I’m trying to get my A”: Black male achievers talk about race, school and achievement. The Urban Review, 47(1), 209-231
Allen, Q. (2015). Race, culture and agency: Examining the ideologies and practices of U.S. teachers of Black male students. Teaching and Teacher Education, 47, 71-81
Milner, H.R., Allen, Q., & McGee, E.O. (2014). A framework for thinking and talking about race with teachers. In F.A. Bonner (Ed.), Frameworks and models of Black male success: A guide for p-12 and postsecondary educators. Stylus Publishing.
Hass, M., Allen, Q., & Amoah, M. (2014). Turning points and resilience of academically successful foster youth. Children and Youth Services Review, 44, 387-392. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.07.008
Allen, Q., White-Smith, K. (2014). “Just as bad as prisons”: The challenge of dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline through teacher and community education. Equity and Excellence in Education, 47(4), 445-460
Allen, Q. (2013). “They think minority means lesser than”: Black middle-class sons and fathers resisting microaggressions in the school. Urban Education.
Allen, Q. (2013). Balancing school and cool: Tactics of resistance and accommodation among black middle-class males. Race Ethnicity and Education, 16(2), 203-224.
Allen, Q. & Boyce, T. (2013). Like father, like son?: Reflections on Black cultural capital and generational conceptions of work. Special Edition. Journal of African American Males in Education.
Allen, Q. (2012). Photographs and stories: Ethics, benefits and dilemmas of using participant photography with black middle-class male youth. Qualitative Research, 12(4), 443-458.
Allen, Q. (2010). Racial microaggressions: The schooling experiences of Black middle-class males in Arizona’s secondary schools. Journal of African American Males in Education, 1(2), 125-143.