Dr. Polly Hodge

Dr. Polly Hodge

Associate Professor, Director, Spanish Major Program
Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Department of World Languages and Cultures
Office Location: DeMille Hall 120 F
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 2:30-3:45 and by appointment
Phone: (714) 997-6975
Scholarly Works:
Digital Commons
California State University, Fullerton, Bachelor of Arts
California State University, Fullerton, Bachelor of Science
California State University, Fullerton, Master of Arts
University of California, Irvine, Ph.D.


Dr. Polly J. Hodge received her Ph.D. in Spanish at the University of California, Irvine and has been teaching Spanish Literature and Language at Chapman since 1997. She is an Associate Professor of Spanish and currently serves as the Director for the Spanish Major and Minor programs as well as the Advisor for Chapman's chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Hispanic Honor Society. Her professional activities include: Editorial Board of the bilingual theater journal, Estreno; Associate Editor for Ediciones de Gestos; editor of two bilingual theater volumes on the plays of Spanish playwright, José Moreno Arenas; author of many articles in English and Spanish on contemporary Spanish playwrights, the interconnection between theater and photography, drama and literary intertextuality, Hispanic cinema and historical memory; co-author of the high school Spanish textbook, Bravo III, published by Houghton Mifflin.

Courses Taught at Chapman:

  • SPAN 101 - Elementary Spanish I
  • SPAN 102 - Elementary Spanish II
  • SPAN 201 - Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPAN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II
  • SPAN 326 Reading and Interpreting Literature
  • SPAN 344 - Spanish Writing Workshop
  • SPAN 375 - Lit. & Culture of Spain I
  • SPAN 376 - Lit. & Culture of Spain II
  • SPAN 484 - 20th Century Spanish Poetry & Drama: Literary Pictures
  • SPAN 485 Hispanic Theatre in Dialogue with the Classics
  • SPAN 487Hispanic Cinema and Globalization

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

“Una trilogía carcelaria: La doble reclusión de los personajes/presas en el teatro de Elena Cánovas”. Estreno Número Especial, Spring 2023, pp. 137-147.
"VI Congreso Internacional Estreno: Reclusión y teatro". Estreno, vol. XLVIII, no. 2, 2022, pp.129-137.
"José Moreno Arenas: Federico, en carne viva", Teatro español de los siglos XX y XI: Estudios monográficos. (Title in German-Spanisches Dramen des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts in Einzeldarstellungen), Edited by Cerstin Bauer-Funke, Erich Schmidt Editorial, Berlin, 2021, pp. 421-435.
“El paseo de José Moreno Arenas: Fotografiando los rincones lorquianos con una lente miope en Federico, en carne viva.” Escenarios de utopía, distopía, y miopía en el teatro contemporáneo de España del siglo XXI, Edited by Albert David Hitchcock/Candyce Crew Leonard, Editorial Puentes Dramatúrgicos, 2019, 223–232.
“El otro lado de la máscara de Lorca: Federico, en carne viva de José Moreno Arenas” en Estreno, XLV, 1, pp. 72-79.
"El metro en el teatro y el teatro en el metro: Un escenario laberíntico de multiples velocidades." Espacios urbanos en el teatro español de los siglos XX y XXI. Ed. Cerstin Bauer-Funke. Hildesheim, Zurich, New York: Olms Weidmann, 2016. 131-144.
Jose Moreno Arenas. A Rude Trilogy (begging your pardon). Trilogia grosera (con perdon). Ed. Polly J. Hodge. Irvine: Ediciones de Gestos, 2016.
"A Tale of Two Volumes: Dramatic Snippets and A Rude Trilogy by José Moreno Arenas." Trilogía grosera (con perdón)- A Rude Trilogy (begging your pardon). Ed. Polly J. Hodge. Irvine: Gestos, 2016. 9-13.
"Historia de dos volúmenes: Pulgas dramáticas y Trilogía grosera de José Moreno Arenas." Trilogía grosera (con perdón)- A Rude Trilogy (begging your pardon). Ed. Polly J. Hodge. Irvine: Gestos, 2016. 83-87
“Maestros de la manipulación: titiriteros de la memoria histórica en No de Pablo Larraín y La niña de tus ojos de Fernando Trueba.” Hispania 98.3 Special Focus Issue on Film, Sept. 2015. 431-441.
Imágenes femeninas en la literatura española y las artes escénicas (siglos XX-XXI). Ed. F. Vilches de Frutos y P. Nieva de la Paz. Philadelphia: Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies, 2012. Estreno 40.2 (Otoño): 127-129.
Co-Edited with Prof. Emeritus, Dr. Juan Villegas a special edition of Gestos entitled Nuevas estrategias y memoria histórica. 29.58 (Noviembre) 2014.
“Termómetros teatrales: Los personajes febriles de José Moreno Arenas y Paco de la Zaranda” In Acto Seguido: El personaje del teatro español contemporáneo a escena. Lourdes Bueno, Ed. Wake Forest: Estreno Studies in Contemporary Theater, 2012: 125-132.
"Literature and Culture: Political and Metaphorical Walls in the Works of Miguel de Cervantes, Oscar Wilde, Julio Cortazar, Leonardo da Jandra and José Moreno Arenas." International Journal of the Humanities Volume 9, Issue 10: 205-214.
“Theatrical Dialogues: Over the Sands of Time and the Grains of Culture.” Gestos 54.2 (Noviembre 2012): 10-15. (Critical introduction to the volume.)
Gestos 54.2 Diálogos teatrales através del tiempo. (Noviembre) 2012, Editor.
Gestos 51.1 (Abril) 2011, Editor.
Dramatic Snippets/Pulgas dramáticas. José Moreno Arenas. Ed. Polly Hodge. Irvine: Ediciones de Gestos, 2010.
Associate Editor, International Journal of the Humanities, Volume 7, Common Ground Publishers, 2010.
Critical essays in English and Spanish to the bilingual book I edited: Dramatic Snippets/Pulgas dramaticas: “On Fleas, Translations, and Unmasking Society: The Scratchy Theatrical World of José Moreno Arenas.” (“De pulgas traducidas y la sociedad desenmascarada: el chirriante mundo teatral de José Moreno Arenas”)
TRANSLATION WORK: Staging the Mestiza Subject in Recent Yucatecan Theatre (La representación de la mestiza en tres obras yucatecas del siglo XXI) by Tamara Underiner, Theater Dept., Arizona State University. Translation from English to Spanish by I. Franco and P. Hodge in: Franco, Israel, coord., Teatro comunitario: eCuaderno de investigación, México, Centro de Investigación Teatral Rodolfo Usigli / Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, 2010. [Disco compacto multimedia].
Online collection of essays: Cartografía teatral: Los escenarios de Cádiz en el Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro 2008. Ed. Dávila, Grace, Polly J. Hodge and C. Villegas-Silva. Irvine: Ediciones de Gestos, 2009. Also wrote introduction to the edition, “Abriendo el telón: Presentación de los actos” in collaboration with co-editors. The online edition is available with free access at: http://www.humanities.uci.edu/gestos/fit2008/
“The Role of Technology in Creative Productions by José Moreno Arenas and Pedro Almodóvar: Keep the Change, Doll and Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown.” International Journal of the Humanities 7.12 (2009): 137-146.
“Staging Immigration: Portraits of Injustice in 14 and El vagón of the Immigrants.” Gestos 24 (April 2009): 146-153.
“Literature and Theatre Behind Bars: Metaphorical Anecdotes in Two Plays by Elena Cánovas.” Estreno. 34.1 (2008): 27-34.
Critical commentary (invited) as introduction to a play in the bilingual journal, Estreno. “José Moreno Arenas y su sinfonía solitaria, Te puedes quedar con el cambio muñeca: Monólogo interactivo para nuestros tiempos”. Estreno. 34.2 (Otoño 2008): 49-56.