![Dr. Peter Jipsen](/our-faculty/files/small-photos/faculty/Jipsen_P.jpg)
Dr. Peter Jipsen
Schmid College of Science and Technology; Mathematics
Expertise: Universal Algebra; Lattice Theory; Residuated Lattices; Algebraic Logic; Substructural logics; enumerative combinatorics;
Office Location:
Keck Center for Science and Engineering 364
Phone: (714) 744-7918
Email: jipsen@chapman.edu
Website: http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/
- Scholarly Works:
Digital Commons
- Education:
- University of Cape Town, Bachelor of Science
University of Cape Town, Master of Science
Vanderbilt University, Ph.D.
Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications
J. Gil-Férez, P. Jipsen and S. Lodhia, The structure of locally integral involutive po-monoids and semirings, in proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS), R. Glück et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 13896, Springer (2023), 69-86
P. Jipsen and J. Semrl, Representable and diagonally representable weakening relation algebras, in proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS), R. Glück et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 13896, Springer (2023), 140-157
P. Jipsen and T. Litak, An algebraic glimpse at bunched implications and separation logic, in: Galatos, N., Terui, K. (eds) Hiroakira Ono on Substructural Logics. Outstanding Contributions to Logic, vol 23. Springer, Cham. 2022
P. Jipsen and J. B. Nation, Primitive lattice varieties, International Journal of Algebra and Computation. (2022)
M. Abbadini, P. Jipsen, T. Kroupa and S. Vannucci, A finite axiomatization of positive MV-algebras, Algebra Universalis. 83, 28 (2022)
P. Jipsen, M. E. Kurd-Misto and J. Wimberley, On the representation of Boolean magmas and Boolean semilattices, In: Madarász J., Székely G. (eds) Hajnal Andréka and István Németi on Unity of Science. Outstanding Contributions to Logic, vol 19. Springer, Cham., (2021), Ch 12, 289 - 312.
N. Alpay, P. Jipsen and M. Sugimoto, Unary determined distributive l-magma and bunched implication algebras, in proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS), U. Fahrenberg et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 13027, Springer (2021), 19-36
W. Conradie, V. Goranko and P. Jipsen, Algorithmic correspondence for relevance logics, bunched implication logics, and relation algebras via an implementation of the algorithm PEARL, in proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS), U. Fahrenberg et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 13027, Springer (2021), 126-143
P. Jipsen and S. Vannucci, Injective and projective semimodules over involutive semirings, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, (2021)
P. Jipsen, O. Tuyt and D. Valota, The structure of finite commutative idempotent involutive residuated lattices, Algebra Universalis 82, 57 (2021)
N. Galatos, P. Jipsen, M. Kinyon, A. Prenosil, Lattice-ordered pregroups are semi-distributive, Algebra Universalis, 82, 16 (2021)
U. Fahrenberg, P. Jipsen, M. Winter, (eds), Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference, RAMiCS 2020, Palaiseau, France, October 26 - 29, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12062, Springer, 2020
N. Alpay and P. Jipsen, Commutative doubly-idempotent semirings determined by chains and by preorder forests, in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 12062, Springer (2020), 1-14.
N. Galatos and P. Jipsen, Weakening relation algebras and FL^2-algebras, in proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 12062, Springer (2020), 117-133.
J. Gil-Ferez, P. Jipsen and G. Metcalfe, Structure theorems for idempotent residuated lattices, Algebra Universalis, 81, 28 (2020) 25p.
N. Galatos and P. Jipsen, The structure of generalized BI-algebras and weakening relation algebras, Algebra Universalis, (2020) 81: 35, 35p.
G. Greco, P. Jipsen, K. Manoorkar, A. Palmigiano and A. Tzimoulis, Logics for rough concept analysis, Md. A. Khan and A. Manuel (Eds.): ICLA 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11600, Springer (2019) 144-159
P. Jipsen and M. Kinyon, Nonassociative right hoops, Algebra Universalis, 80, 47 (2019) 14p.
W. Fussner and P. Jipsen, Distributive laws in residuated binars, Algebra Universalis, 80, 54 (2019) 13p.
S. Alexander, P. Jipsen and N. Upegui, On the structure of generalized effect algebras and separation algebras, in proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS), Oct 29 - Nov 1, 2018, Open University, Groningen, Netherlands, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 11194, Springer (2018), 148-165
P. Jipsen, Relation algebras, idempotent semirings and generalized bunched implication algebras, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS), May 15 - 19, 2017, ENS Lyon, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10226, Springer (2017), 144-158
H. Andreka, S. Givant, P. Jipsen and I. Nemeti, On Tarski's axiomatic foundations of the calculus of relations, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 82(3), (2017), 966-994
N. Galatos and P. Jipsen, Distributive residuated frames and generalized bunched implication algebras, Algebra Universalis, 78(3), (2017), 303-336
P. Jipsen, On generalized hoops, homomorphic images of residuated lattices, and (G)BL-algebras, Soft Computing, 21(1) (2017), 17-27
P. Jipsen and H. Rose, Varieties of Lattices, Chapter 1 in "Lattice Theory: Special Topics and Applications", eds. G. Grätzer and F. Wehrung, Springer Verlag, 2016, 1-26
P. Jipsen and M. A. Moshier, Concurrent Kleene algebra with tests and branching automata, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 85(4) (2016), 637-652
P. Höfner, P. Jipsen, W. Kahl and M. E. Müller, (eds), Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, special issue, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, Vol 85, Issue 4 (June 2016), 447-636
P. Jipsen and N. Lawless, Generating all finite modular lattices of a given size, Algebra Universalis, (2015) doi:10.1007/s00012-015-0348-x
P. Höfner, P. Jipsen, W. Kahl and M. E. Müller, (eds), Preface, in "Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science", Proceedings of the 14th International Conference, RAMiCS 2014, Marienstatt, Germany, April 28 - May 1, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8428, Springer, 2014
P. Jipsen, Concurrent Kleene algebras with tests, in proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, Marienstatt, Germany, April 28-May 1, 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8428, Springer-Verlag (2014) 37-48
M. A. Moshier and P. Jipsen, Topological Duality and Lattice Expansions Part II: Lattice Expansions with Quasioperators, Algebra Universalis, 71(3) (2014), 221-234
M. A. Moshier and P. Jipsen, Topological Duality and Lattice Expansions Part I: A Topological Construction of Canonical Extensions, Algebra Universalis, 71(2) (2014), 109-126
N. Galatos and P. Jipsen, Residuated frames with applications to decidability, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 365 (2013), 1219-1249.
N. Galatos and P. Jipsen, Relation algebras as expanded FL-algebras, Algebra Universalis, 69 (1) (2013) 1-21.
P. Jipsen, A. Ledda and F. Paoli, On some properties of quasi-MV algebras and v'quasi-MV algebras, Part IV, Reports on Mathematical Logic, 48 (2013) 3-36
P. Jipsen, Categories of Algebraic Contexts Equivalent to Idempotent Semirings and Domain Semirings, in proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, Cambridge, UK, Sept 17-21, 2012, Timothy G. Griffin and Wolfram Kahl (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7560, Springer-Verlag (2012), 195-206.
N. Galatos, P. Jipsen and H. Ono, (eds), Preface, in Special Issue: Recent Developments related to Residuated Lattices and Substructural Logics, Studia Logica, Volume 100, Issue 6, 2012.