Dr. Patrick Fuery
- Education:
- Murdoch University, Bachelor of Arts
Murdoch University, Master of Arts
Murdoch University, Ph.D.
Patrick Fuery is a graduate of Murdoch University, Australia, with a BA (Hons), MPhil and Phd in Comparative Literature. He has held posts at the University of London (Royal Holloway College), Sussex University, and the University of Newcastle (Australia). He is the author of eight books and has been translated into Chinese, Italian, French, and Korean. His most recent book is Madness and Cinema. His research interests include psychoanalysis, semiotics, literary and cultural theory, gender studies, film and visual studies, medicine and the arts. He is currently completing two books: a study on cultural disturbance and the sublime; and an edited collection on medicine, culture, and the arts.
Selected Publications
Madness and Cinema: Psychoanalysis, Culture and the Spectator (London and New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2004)
Visual Cultures and Critical Theory (co-authored with K. Fuery) (Edward Arnold: London, released in the USA by Oxford University Press, 2003). This book is currently being translated into Korean, to be published by Mijin Press, Seoul
New Developments in Film Theory (London and New York: Macmillan Press/St. Martin's Press, 2000). This book has been translated into Chinese and published by the China Film Press (2005), and into Polish with Kwartalnik Filmowy (Institute of Art, The Polish Academy of Science).
Cultural Studies and the New Humanities (co-author) Oxford and Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1997, reprinted 1998).
A second edition of this book, with substantial rewriting and new chapters, has been published as Cultural Studies and Critical Theory (Oxford and Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2000). A Chinese translation is currently under negotiation.
Theories of Desire (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1995).
The Theory of Absence: Subjectivity, Signification and Desire (Connecticut and London: Greenwood Press, 1995)
(editor) Representation, Discourse and Desire: Contemporary Australian Culture and Critical Theory (Melbourne and London: Longman, 1994).
Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications
Fuery, Patrick Intimacy and the Anxieties of Cinematic Flesh: Between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023
Fuery P and Kelli Fuery "Wolf Connection and Inclusive Safe Spaces for All" in Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of Sustainable Cities and Communities" N Birdthistle and R Hales eds. London: Emerald Press, 2023
"4th Street Market: Urban Renewal and Sustainable Change in Education" in Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of Quality Education" N Birdthistle and R Hales eds. London: Emerald Press
Terror and the Cinematic Sublime: Essays on Violence and the Unpresentable in Post-9/11 Films New York, Macfarland 2013
"Sublime Acts: The Fate of Resistance between Film Theory and Practice" in Critical Cinema: Beyond the Theory of Practice ed. Clive Myer Columbia University Press
The Difficult Return - Research project on returning vets and the use of digital diaries. (Three year funded research project)
'Punctum de Roland Barthes e Imagem-Tempo de Gilles Deleuze: um dialogo possivel?' in Deleuze: vai ao cinema (S Puntel Mostafa and D da Nova Cruz eds) Editions Alinea Campinas:2010