Dr. Meghan Cosier

Dr. Meghan Cosier

Professor, Director, Thompson Policy Institute on Disability and Autism
Attallah College of Educational Studies
Expertise: Inclusive Education; School Reform; Teacher Preparation;
Office Location: Reeves Hall
Secondary Office Location: Thompson Policy Institute
University of New Mexico, Bachelor of Science
San Diego State University, Master of Education
Syracuse University, Ph.D.


Dr. Meghan Cosier is the director of the Thompson Policy Institute on Disability. She has collaborated with schools and school districts across the country to promote and improve special education service delivery models that allow ALL students to learn and play together. Her work focuses on systematic development and implementation of inclusive supports and services, and the role of leadership teams in sustainable school reform. In addition, she is extensively involved in teacher development and training for quality inclusive schooling.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Cosier, M., & Sandoval Gomez, A. (2023). Thompson Policy Institute on Disability: Research, Practice, and Impact Report. https://www.chapman.edu/education/centers-and-partnerships/thompson-policy-institute/disability-summit/research-practice-and-impact-reports.aspx
Cosier, M., Morgan, S., & Sandoval Gomez, A. (2022). High yield webinar engagement strategies and teacher candidate professional learning. Frontiers in Education. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2022.961043/full
Cosier, M., & Sandoval Gomez, A. (2022). Thompson Policy Institute on Disability: Research, Practice, and Impact Report. https://www.chapman.edu/education/centers-and-partnerships/thompson-policy-institute/disability-summit/2022-summit-on-disability-and-inclusion.aspx
Cosier, M., Sandoval Gomez, A., Ricks-Oddie, J., McKee, A., Doty, M., Bonham, E., & Cardinal, D. (in press, 2021). Where are students with Autism and Intellectual Disability learning?: Placement trends in California. Inclusion.
Griffiths, A.J., Cosier, M., Wiegand, R., Morgan, S., & Mathur Kohli, S. (in press, 2021). Developing strong transition-focused IEPS using labor market data. Support for Learning, 36(3).
Achieng-Evensen, C., & Cosier, M. (2021). Centering students with disabilities in anti-racist teacher education. EducationFirst. https://education-first.com/centering-students-with-disabilities-in-anti-racist-teacher-education/
Cosier, M., Sandoval Gomez, A., Cardinal, D., & Brophy, S. (2020). Placement of students with extensive support needs in California school districts: The state of inclusion and exclusion. International Electronic Journal Of Elementary Education, 12(3), 249-255. https://www.iejee.com/index.php/IEJEE/article/view/1087
White, J., Li, S., Ashby, C., Wang, Q., Ferri, B., Bern, P., & Cosier, M. (2019). Same as it ever was: The nexus of race, ability, and place in one urban school district. Educational Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131946.2019.1630130
White, J., Li, S., Ashby, C., Wang, Q., Ferri, B., Bern, P., & Cosier, M. (2019). Same as it ever was: The nexus of race, ability, and place in one urban school district. Educational Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131946.2019.1630130
Lazarus, S. S., Ryndak, D. L., Howley, C. B., McDaid, P., Liu, K. K., Taub, D., Howley, A., Cosier, M., Clifton, J., Telfer, D., Holden. K., Thurlow, M. L., & Vandercook, T. (2019). Using systems change efforts to implement and sustain inclusive education practices in general education settings for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities: A review of the literature (TIES Center Report 102). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, The TIES Center. Retrieved from https://tiescenter.org/resources
Cosier, M., Cardinal, D., & Gomez, A. (2019). A brief report: The state of inclusion and exclusion of students with disabilities in California school districts. Orange, CA: The Thompson Policy Institute on Disability, Chapman University.
Griffiths, A., Cosier, M., & Morgan, S. (2019). Research to practice brief: Using labor market projections for successful transition planning. Orange, CA: Thompson Policy Institute on Disability, Chapman University.
Cosier, M., White, J., & Wang, Q. (2018). Examining the variability in placement of students with Intellectual Disability in New York State. International Journal of Whole Schooling. Retrieved from http://www.wholeschooling.net/Journal_of_Whole_Schooling/IJWSIndex.html
Cosier, M., Gomez, A., & Cardinal, D. (2018). Mapping access to general education: The landscape in California and Orange County. Thompson Policy Institute 3rd Annual Disability Summit Key Summary and Findings.
White, J., Cosier, M., & Taub, D. (2018). How states interpret the LRE clause of IDEA: A policy analysis. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, The TIES Center. Retrieved from https://tiescenter.org/resource/C2/RFrDWfQ7qLb8oH_TrOlw
Cosier, M., & Ashby, C. (Eds.). (2016). Enacting change from within: Disability Studies meets teaching and teacher education. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Cosier, M., McKee, A., & Gomez, A. (2016). A study of the impact of Disability Studies on teacher perceptions and practice. Review of Disability Studies, 12(4). http://www.rds.hawaii.edu/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/528
Pearson, H., Cosier, M., Kim, J., Gomez, A., Hines, C., McKee, A., & Ruiz, L. (2016). The impact of Disability Studies curriculum on education professionals' perspectives and practice: Implications for education, social justice, and social change. Disability Studies Quarterly, 36(2). www.dsq-sds.org.
Cosier, M., & Pearson, H. (2016). Can we talk?: The underdeveloped dialogue between teacher education and Disability Studies. SageOpen. doi:10.1177/2158244015626766
Ashby, C., & Cosier, M. (2012). Moving beyond excuses to exclude on secondary school. TASH Connections, 37(2-3), 12-17.
Cosier, M., & Ferguson, P. M. (2012). Disability studies and the support of individuals with significant disabilities and their families: An introduction to the issues. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 37(2), 67-69.
Cosier, M. (2012). “The road less traveled”: Combining disability studies and quantitative analysis with medium and large data sets. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 37(2), 81-88.
Causton-Theoharis, J., Theoharis, G., Bull, T., Cosier, M., & Dempf-Aldrich, K. (2011). Schools of promise: A school district-university partnership centered on inclusive school reform. Remedial and Special Education, 32(3),192-205.
Causton-Theoharis, J. N., Theoharis, G., Cosier, M., & Orsati, F. (2011). Does self-contained special education deliver on it’s promises?: A critical inquiry into research and practice. Journal of Special Education Leadership, 24(2), 61-78.
Cosier, M., & Causton-Theoharis, J. (2010). Economic and demographic predictors of inclusive education. Remedial and Special Education. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0741932510362513
Causton-Theoharis, J., Ashby, C., & Cosier, M. (2009). Islands of loneliness: Exploring social interaction through autobiographies of individuals with autism. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 47(2), 84-96.