Dr. Mateo Jarquin

Dr. Mateo Jarquin

Assistant Professor Director of the Program in War, Diplomacy, and Society
Director of the Program in War, Diplomacy, and Society
Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Department of History
Office Location: Roosevelt Hall 136
Office Hours: Thurs 2:00-4:00 PM
Grinnell College, Bachelor of Arts
Harvard University, Ph.D.


Mateo Jarquín is Assistant Professor of History and Director of the Program in War, Diplomacy, and Society at Chapman University.

His scholarship asks how revolutions in the Global South have framed global debates about development, democracy, and international relations. He is the author ofThe Sandinista Revolution: A Global Latin American History (University of North Carolina Press, 2024). Additionally, he writes regularly about contemporary Central American politics. Originally from Nicaragua, he holds a PhD from Harvard University and a BA from Grinnell College.


Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

“Sandinista Internationalism: The Nicaraguan Revolution and the Global Cold War,” in The Left and the International Arena: A Transnational Political History, eds. Michele di Donato and Mathieu Fulla (London: Bloomsbury Press), 2023.
“COVID-19 and the State: Nicaragua Case Study,” United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) Working Paper, Helsinki: UNU-Wider, April 2022.
“The Nicaraguan Question: Contadora and the Latin American Response to U.S. Intervention Against the Sandinistas, 1982-86,” The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History 78, no.4 (2021): 581-608.
[Co-authored with Salvador Martí] “El precio de la perpetuación de Daniel Ortega,” Nueva Sociedad (June 2021); also syndicated in OpenDemocracy.
“A la sombra de la Revolución Sandinista: Nicaragua, 1979-2019,” in Anhelos de un nuevo horizonte: aportes para la construcción de una Nicaragua democrática, eds. Alberto Cortés Ramos, Umanzor López Baltodano, and Ludwing Moncada Bellorin (San José, Costa Rica: FLACSO — Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, 2020).
“Nicaragua: Dos Crisis,” in Política y crisis en América Latina: reacción e impacto frente a la covid-19, eds. Salvador Martí I Puig and Manuel Alcántara Sáez (Barcelona: Marcial Pons Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales, 2020).
“Reckoning with Revolution in Nicaragua,” Age of Revolutions (November 2020).
[Co-authored with Kai Thaler] “Two Years After Nicaragua’s Mass Uprising Started, Why is Daniel Ortega Still in Power?” The Washington Post, May 1, 2020.
"El 19 de Julio y la historia de la 'Nueva Nicaragua,'" Confidencial, July 18, 2020.
“The Beginning of the End for Ortega?” The New York Times, April 26, 2018. (Also appeared in NYT Spanish Edition as ¿El comienzo del fin para Ortega?”)
“Nicaragua no es Venezuela,” Política Exterior no. 185 (September-October 2018): 6-13
“Red Christmases: the Sandinistas, indigenous rebellion, and the origins of the Nicaraguan civil war, 1981-82,” Cold War History 18 no.1, (2017): 91-110.
“Panorama de la ampliación infraestructural en Nicaragua de los años 50 y 60,” Revista de Historia — Instituto de Historia de Nicaragua y Centroamérica, No. 30 (Summer 2015).