Dr. Mark Hopson

Dr. Mark Hopson

Professor SoC Graduate Admissions Director
School of Communication; Communication Studies
Expertise: Intercultural Communication; Organizational Diversity; African American Rhetorical Traditions; Rhetoric of Social Movements; Communication of Violence Prevention;
Office Location: Doti Hall 208
Office Hours: Tue. or Wed. by appointment & Thurs. 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Phone: (714) 628-2823
Western Michigan University, Bachelor of Arts
Western Michigan University, Master of Arts
Ohio University, Ph.D.


Mark C. Hopson serves as Professor in the School of Communication. Dr. Hopson also serves as Senior Director of Ethnic Studies Programs.

Prior to joining Chapman, Dr. Hopson held a faculty position and served as Director of African and African American Studies at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. He also served on the university’s 2020 Taskforce on Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence for the Office of the President.

Dr. Hopson has facilitated workshops and seminars for more than 5,000 youth and adult learners nationally, including Changing Lives Through Literature for Fairfax County Public Library. CLTL is a nationally recognized alternative sentencing program.

Professional Service  

Dr. Hopson has chaired and served on dissertation committees, presented research at conferences, and published research in academic journals and book chapters. In 2021 he served as selection-committee member for the Diamond Book Award presented by the National Communication Association (Seattle, WA). In 2020 he served as committee chair for the NCA Diamond Book Award. In 2019 he served as presenter at NCA’s Opening Session titled “Race Relations in Charm City: Communicating Social Justice” (Baltimore, MD). In 2018 he served as task force member for NCA’s “Issues in Diversity” (Salt Lake City, Utah); and in 2017 he served as a NCA legislative committee member, and chair for the NCA’s International and Intercultural Communication Division (Dallas, TX). He also served as chair for NCA’s African American Communication and Culture Division. 


Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Hopson, M. C., Castle Bell, G., Whittington, E., & Otusanya, A. (In progress). Communicating interculturally: Theory, themes, and practice for societal wellbeing. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing.
Hopson, M. C. & Petin, M. (2020). Reimagining Black masculinities: Race, gender, and public space. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Hopson, M. C. (2011). Notes from the talking drum: Exploring Black communication and critical memory in intercultural communication contexts. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. Jackson, R. L. & Hopson, M. C. (2011). Masculinity in the Black imagination: Politics of communicating race and manhood. NY: Peter Lang Publishing.