Dr. Marco Bisoffi
- Education:
- University of Basel, Ph.D.
Dr. Bisoffi was originally trained in molecular and cell biology, and in
After graduation, Dr. Bisoffi changed his field of research to molecular cancer research and underwent further post-doctoral training in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, at the Institute of Medical Microbiology of the University of Basel in Basel, Switzerland, in the Gene Chip Laboratory at Hoffmann-La Roche in Basel, Switzerland, and in the Department of Clinical Research of the University of Bern in Bern, Switzerland. His research during this time of his career was concerned with the molecular profiling of breast tumor vasculature, molecular mechanisms of prostate cancer progression, and the molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis in mast cell tumors.
In 2002, Dr. Bisoffi became a Faculty Member in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. In this capacity he established several research programs focused on the molecular mechanisms underlying prostate and breast cancer, the discovery and validation of biomarkers of early and progressive disease in these two type of hormone-dependent solid tumors, as well as the screening, identification, and testing of natural product-based anti-prostate cancer organic small molecules and the elucidation of their mechanism of action. These projects were highly translational and included consented patient participation at the University of New Mexico Hospital and Cancer Center, and the Veterans Affairs Health Care System. Other projects included Dr. Bisoffi as an active collaborator in endeavors concerned with the development and use of targeted anti-prostate cancer nanoparticles and surface acoustic wave based pathogen biosensors.
In 2013, Dr. Bisoffi joined the Schmid College of Science and Technology at Chapman University as an Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, where he pursues some of the projects developed at the University of New Mexico (see Research Interests below).
Research Interests/Projects
- Molecular mechanisms underlying “field cancerization” in human tissues affected by adenocarcinomas
- Molecular mechanisms of prostate cancer progression to castration resistance
- Natural product based experimental therapeutics with a focus on reactive oxygen species and target protein degradation
- BCHM 335: Biochemistry I – Biomolecules
- BCHM/BIOL 436: Molecular Genetics
- BCHM/BIOL 401: Cancer Biology
- American Association for Cancer Research
- American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Society for Basic Urologic Research
- American Chemical Society
Editorial and Review Boards
- Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program
- Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program
- National Cancer Institute
- Peer-reviewed journals, including: BioEssays, Cancers, Cancer Letters, Clinical Experimental Metastasis, Neoplasia, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, PLoS, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Journal of Urology, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, The International Journal of Cancer, The International Journal of Oncology, Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, Genome Research, Molecular Carcinogenesis, Lancet Oncology, and others.
Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications
Bisoffi M, O’Neill JM. Curcumin Analogs, Oxidative Stress, and Prostate Cancer; in OXIDATIVE STRESS AND DIETARY ANTIOXIDANTS, 2nd edition (Preedy VR, Patel V, editors); Academic Press, Elsevier; 2021. ISBN-21: 978012819575.
Amirrad F, Pytak PA, Sadeghiani-Pelar N, Nguyen JPT, Cauble EL, Jones, AC, Bisoffi M. Prostate field cancerization and exosomes: Association between CD9, early growth response 1 and fatty acid synthase. Int J Oncol. 2020 Apr;56(4):957-968. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2020.4980. Epub 2020 Feb 10.
Park SE, Shamloo K, Kristedja TA, Darwish S, Bisoffi M, Parang K, Tiwari RK. EDB-FN Targeted Peptide-Drug Conjugates for Use against Prostate Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019 Jul 4;20(13). pii: E3291. doi: 10.3390/ijms20133291.
Lebya K, Garcia-Smith R, Swaminathan R, Jones A, Russell J, Joste N, Bisoffi M, Trujillo K. Towards a personalized surgical margin for breast conserving surgery-Implications of field cancerization in local recurrence. Journal of Surgical Oncology (2017); 115(2):109-115.
Lebya K, Swaminathan R, Jones A, Russell J, Joste N, Bisoffi M, Trujillo K. Combining the sick lobe theory with markers of field cancerization for refinement of a personalized surgical margin. Journal of Surgical Oncology (2017); Jul 17; doi: 10.1002/jso.24724.
Gabriel NK, Jones AC, Nguyen JPT, Antillon KS, Janos SN, Overton HN, Jenkins SM, Frisch EH, Trujillo KA, Bisoffi M. Association and regulation of protein factors of field effect in prostate tissues. International Journal of Oncology (2016); 49:1541-1552.
Aliabadi HM, Mahdipoor P, Bisoffi M, Hugh JC, Uludag H. Single and Combinational siRNA Therapy of Cancer Cells: Probing Changes in Targeted and Nontargeted Mediators after siRNA Treatment. Molecular Pharmaceutics (2016); 13(12):4116-4128
Gannon NP, Vaughan RA, Garcia-Smith R, Bisoffi M, Trujillo KA. Effects of the exercise-inducible myokine irisin on malignant and non-malignant breast epithelial cell behavior in vitro. International Journal of Cancer (2015), 15;136(4):E197-202.
Jones AC, Antillon KS, Jenkins SM, Janos SN, Overton HN, Shoshan DS, Fischer EG, Trujillo KA, Bisoffi M. Prostate field cancerization: Deregulated expression of macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 (MIC-1) and platelet derived growth factor A (PDGF-A) in tumor adjacent tissue. PLoS One (2015), Mar 13;10(3):e0119314. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119314. eCollection 2015.
Bisoffi M, Fajardo AM. Curcumin Analogs, Oxidative Stress, and Prostate Cancer; in CANCER: OXIDATIVE STRESS AND DIETARY ANTIOXIDANTS (Preedy VR, editor); Elsevier Academic Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780124052055.
Vaughan RA, Gannon NP, Garcia-Smith R, Licon-Munoz Y, Barberena MA, Bisoffi M, Trujillo KA. beta-alanine suppresses malignant breast epithelial cell aggressiveness through alterations in metabolism and cellular acidity in vitro. Molecular Cancer (2014), 13(1):14.
Solberg NO, Chamberlin R, Vigil JR, Deck LM, Heidrich JE, Brown DC, Brady CI, Vander Jagt TA, Garwood M, Bisoffi M, Severns V, Vander Jagt DL, Sillerud LO. Optical and SPION-enhanced MR imaging shows that trans-stilbene inhibitors of NF-?B concomitantly lower Alzheimer's disease plaque formation and microglial activation in AßPP/PS-1 transgenic mouse brain. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (2014), 40(1):191-212.
Vaughan RA, Gannon NP, Barberena MA, Garcia-Smith R, Bisoffi M, Mermier CM, Conn CA, Trujillo KA. Characterization of the metabolic effects of irisin on skeletal muscle in vitro. Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism (2014), 16(8):711-8.
Oh D, Nasrolahi Shirazi A, Northup K, Sullivan B, Tiwari RK, Bisoffi M, Parang K. Enhanced cellular uptake of short polyarginine peptides through fatty acylation and cyclization. Molecular Pharmaceutics (2014), 11(8):2845-54.
Bisoffi M, Severns V, Branch DW, Edwards TL, Larson RS. Rapid detection of human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 by use of an improved piezoelectric biosensor. Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2013), 51(6):1685-91.
Vaughan RA, Garcia-Smith R, Bisoffi M, Conn CA, Trujillo KA. Ubiquinol rescues simvastatin-suppression of mitochondrial content, function and metabolism: Implications for statin-induced rhabdomyolysis. European Journal of Pharmacology (2013), 711(1-3):1-9.
Vaughan RA, Garcia-Smith R, Dorsey J, Griffith JK, Bisoffi M, Trujillo KA. Tumor necrosis factor alpha induces Warburg-like metabolism and is reversed by anti-inflammatory curcumin in breast epithelial cells. International Journal of Cancer (2013), 133(10):2504-10.
Vaughan RA, Garcia-Smith R, Gannon NP, Bisoffi M, Trujillo KA, Conn CA. Leucine treatment enhances oxidative capacity through complete carbohydrate oxidation and increased mitochondrial density in skeletal muscle cells. Amino Acids (2013), 45(4):901-11.
Vaughan RA, Garcia-Smith R, Trujillo KA, Bisoffi M. Tumor necrosis factor alpha increases aerobic glycolysis and reduces oxidative metabolism in prostate epithelial cells. Prostate (2013), 73(14):1538-46.
Vaughan RA, Mermier CM, Bisoffi M, Trujillo KA, Conn CA. Dietary stimulators of the PGC-1 superfamily and mitochondrial biosynthesis in skeletal muscle. A mini-review. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry (2013), 70(1):271-84.
Michel V, Licon-Munoz Y, Trujillo KA, Bisoffi M, Parra KJ. Inhibitors of vacuolar ATPase proton pumps inhibit human prostate cancer cell invasion and prostate-specific antigen expression and secretion. International Journal of Cancer (2013); 132(2):E1-10.
Fajardo AM, Mackenzie DA, Ji M, Deck LM, Jagt DL, Thompson TA, Bisoffi M. The curcumin analog ca27 down-regulates androgen receptor through an oxidative stress mediated mechanism in human prostate cancer cells. Prostate (2012), 72(6): 612-25.
Jones AC, Trujillo KA, Phillips GK, Fleet TM, Murton JK, Severns V, Shah SK, Davis MS, Smith AY, Griffith JK, Fischer EG, Bisoffi M. Early growth response 1 and fatty acid synthase expression is altered in tumor adjacent prostate tissue and indicates field cancerization. Prostate (2012), 72(11): 1159-70.
Trujillo KA, Jones AC, Griffith JK, Bisoffi M. Markers of field cancerization: Proposed clinical applications in prostate biopsies. Prostate Cancer (2012): 1-12.
Bisoffi M, Severns V, Larson R.S. CTSA-enhanced innovative device development. Clinical and Translational Science (2012), 5(4): 311-313.
Chen D, Latham JA, Zhao H, Bisoffi M, Farelli JD, Dunaway-Mariano D. Human brown fat inducible thioesterase variant 2 (BFIT2) cellular localization and catalytic function. Biochemistry (2012), 51(35):6990-9.
Trujillo KA, Jones AC, Griffith JK, Bisoffi M. Markers of field cancerization: Proposed clinical applications in prostate biopsies. Prostate Cancer (2012): 1-12.
Vaughan RA, Garcia-Smith R, Bisoffi M, Trujillo KA, Conn CA. Effects of caffeine on metabolism and mitochondria biogenesis in rhabdomyosarcoma cells compared with 2,4-dinitrophenol. Nutrition and Metabolic Insights (2012); 5:59-70.
Vaughan RA, Garcia-Smith R, Bisoffi M, Conn CA, Trujillo KA. Conjugated linoleic acid or omega 3 fatty acids increase mitochondrial biosynthesis and metabolism in skeletal muscle cells. Lipids in Health and Disease (2012), 11:142.
Vaughan RA, Garcia-Smith R, Barberena MA, Bisoffi M, Trujillo KA, Conn CA. Treatment of human muscle cells with popular dietary supplements increase mitochondrial function and metabolic rate. Nutrition and Metabolism (Lond) (2012), 9(1):101.
Bisoffi M, Heaphy CM, Griffith JK. Field Cancerization in Mammary Tissues; in FIELD CANCERIZATION: BASIC SCIENCE AND CLINICAL APPLICATIONS (Dakubo GD, editor); NOVA Science Publishing, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61761-386-9.