Dr. Laura Glynn
- Education:
- University of California, Davis, Bachelor of Arts
University of California, San Diego, Master of Arts
University of California, San Diego, Ph.D.
Dr. Glynn research consists of interdisciplinary program examining the interplay between biological, psychosocial and behavioral processes in human pregnancy and the influences of these processes on fetal/child development. Her research in the realm of maternal-child health covers three main areas: 1. Understanding the underlying causes of premature birth, the most serious problem in maternal-child health and the leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality in the United States. 2. Elucidating how pre- and postnatal hormone exposures influence the female brain and behavior, and also more specifically the quality of maternal behavior and postpartum depression. 3. Determining the role of very early life influences in fetal, infant and child development.
Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications
Savoca PW, Glynn LM, Fox MM, Richards MC & Callaghan B (2024). Interoception in pregnancy: implications for postpartum depression. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.
Liu SR, Bailey NA, Romero-González S, Moors AC, Campos B, Davis EP & Glynn LM (2025). The QUIC-SP: A Spanish language tool assessing unpredictability in early life is linked to physical and mental health. PloS One.
Glynn LM, Liu SR, Lucas CT & Davis EP (2024). Leveraging the science of early life predictability to inform policies promoting child health. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.
Howland MA & Glynn LM (2024). The future of intergenerational transmission research: a prospective, three-generation approach. Development and Psychopathology.
Savoca PW, Glynn LM, Fox MM, Richards MC & Callaghan B (2024). Exploring the impact of maternal early life adversity on interoceptive sensibility in pregnancy: implications for prenatal depression. Archives of Women’s Mental Health.
Jenkins BN, Martin LT, Halterman JS, Moskowitz JT, Glynn LM, Tirakitsoontorn P, Kamath S, Kain ZN (2024). The role of positive affect in asthma control and symptom severity in adolescents. Journal of Adolescence.
Marino JA, Davis EP, Glynn LM, Sandman CA & Hahn-Holbrook J (2024). Temporal relation between pubertal development and peer victimization in a prospective sample of US adolescents. Aggressive Behavior.
Miklavcic JM, Paterson N, Hahn-Holbrook J & Glynn LM (2024). FADS genotype predicts polyunsaturated fatty human milk extracellular vesicles. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.
Short AK, Weber R, Kamei N, Thai CW, Arora H, Mortazavi A, Stern HS, Glynn LM & Baram TZ (2024). Within-subject changes in methylome profile identify individual signatures of early-life adversity, with a potential to predict neuropsychiatric outcome. Neurobiology of Stress
Irwin JL, Davis EP, Sandman CA, Baram TZ, Stern HS & Glynn LM (2024). Infant Hedonic/Anhedonic Processing Index (HAPI-Infant): Assessing infant anhedonia and its prospective association with adolescent depressive symptoms. Journal Affective Disorders.
Glynn, L.M. (2024). Predictability can reduce the burden of adverse childhood experiences: policies to promote it. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Davis EP & Glynn LM (in press). The power of predictability: patterns of signals in early life shape neurodevelopment and mental health trajectories. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Bailey N, Davis EP, Sandman CA & Glynn LM (in press). DHEA: A neglected biological signal that may affect fetal and child development. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Fox MM, Hahn-Holbrook J, Sandman CA, Marino JA, Glynn LM & Davis EP (2024). Mothers’ prenatal distress accelerates pubertal development in daughters. Psychoneuroendocrinology.
Aran ?, Swales DA, Bailey N, Korja R, Homberg E, Eskola E, Nolvi S, Perasto L, Nordenswan E, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Sandman CA, Stern HS, Baram TZ, Glynn LM & Davis EPD (2024). Across ages and places: Unpredictability of maternal sensory signals and child internalizing behaviors. Journal of Affective Disorders.
Hunt C, Vinograd M, Glynn LM, Davis EP, Baram TZ, Stern H, Nievergelt C, Cuccarazzu B, Napan C, Delmar D, Baker DG & Risbrough (2023). Childhood unpredictability is associated with increased risk for long-and short-term depression and anhedonia symptoms following combat employment. Journal of Mood & Anxiety Disorders.
Liu SR, D’Anna-Hernandez K, Sandman CA, Davis EP & Glynn LM (2023). Discrimination and adverse birth outcomes among Latina women: The protective role of social support. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Wiley KS, Gregg AM, Fox M, Lagishetty V, Sandman CA, Jacobs JP & Glynn LM (2023). Contact with caregivers is associated with composition of the infant gut microbiome across the first year of life. American Journal of Biological Anthropology.
Chang CY, Liu SR & Glynn LM (2023). One size doesn’t fit all: Attitudes towards work modify the relation between parental leave length and postpartum depression. Archives of Women’s Mental Health.
Smith JA, Tain R, Sharp KG, Glynn LM, Van Dillen LR, Henslee K, Jacobs J, Cramer SC (2023). Identifying the neural correlates of anticipatory postural control: a novel fMRI paradigm. Human Brain Mapping.
Deer LK, Doom JR, Harrall KK, Glueck DH, Glynn LM, Sandman CA, & Davis EP (2023). The association between self-regulation in infancy and BMI trajectories over childhood. Pediatric Obesity.
Jirsaraie RJ, Palma AM, Small SL, Sandman CA, Davis EP, Baram TZ, Stern H, Glynn LM & Yassa MA (2023) Prenatal exposure to maternal mood entropy is associated with a weakened and inflexible salience network in adolescence. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.
Lindert NG, Maxwell MY, Liu S, Stern HS, Baram TZ, Risbrough VB, Baker DG, Nievergelt CM, & Davis EP & Glynn LM (2022). Exposure to unpredictability and mental health: Validation of the brief version of the Questionnaire of Unpredictability in Childhood (QUIC-5) in English and Spanish. Frontiers in Psychology.
Davis EP, McCormack K, Arora H, Sharpe D, Short AK, Glynn LM, Sandman C, Stern H, Sanchez M & Baram TZ (2022). Early life exposure to unpredictable parental sensory signals shapes cognitive development across three species. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.
Berardi V, Collins BN, Glynn LM, Lepore SJ, Mahabee-Gittens EM, Wilson KM & Hovell MF (2022). Real-time feedback of air quality in children’s bedrooms reduces exposure to secondhand smoke. Tobacco Prevention and Cessation, 8, 100736.
Spadoni AD, Vinograd M, Cuccurazzu B, Torres K, Glynn LM, Davis EP, Baram TZ, Baker DG, Nievergelt CM & Risbrough VB (2022). Contribution of early-life unpredictability to neuropsychiatric symptoms in adulthood. Depression & Anxiety, 1-12.
Stout-Oswald SA, Glynn LM, Bisoffi M, Davis EP (2022). Prenatal exposure to psychological distress and telomere length in childhood. Developmental Psychobiology. (impact factor: 2.9; Q2 in Behavioral Neuroscience)
Liu, SR & Glynn LM (2021). The contribution of racism-related stress and adversity to disparities in birth outcomes: evidence and research recommendations. Fertility and Sterility Reports.
Liu SR, Davis EP, Palma A, Sandman CA & Glynn LM (2022). The acute and persisting impact of COVID-19 on trajectories of adolescent depression: Sex differences and social connectedness. Journal of Affective Disorders, 299.
Irwin JL, Anderson AL, Peterson G, Glynn LM, Sandman CA, Hicks LM & Davis EP (2021). Maternal prenatal cortisol programs the infant hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 125, 105106.
Granger S, Glynn LM, Sandman CA, Small S, Obenaus A, Keator D, Baram TZ, Stern H, Yassa M & Davis EP (2021). Aberrant maturation of the uncinate fasciculus follows exposure to unpredictable patterns of maternal signals. Journal of Neuroscience, 41, 1242-1250.
Grande LA, Swales DA, Sandman CA, Glynn LM & Davis EP (2021). Can high quality maternal caregiving ameliorate the effects of prenatal maternal psychological distress? Development & Psychopathology, 1-10.
Glynn LM, Davis EP, Luby JL, Baram TZ & Sandman CA (2021). A predictable home environment may protect child mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neurobiology of Stress, 14, 100291.
Fox M, Lee SM, Wiley KS, Lagishetty V, Sandman CA, Jacobs JP, Glynn LM (2021). Development of the infant gut microbiome and temperament across the first year of life. Development & Psychopathology, 1-12.
Robinette JW, Bostean G, Glynn LM, Douglas JA, Jenkins BN, Gruenewald TL & Frederick DA. Perceived neighborhood cohesion buffers COVID-19 impacts on mental health in a United States sample. Social Science & Medicine, 114269.
Demers CH, Aran O, Glynn LM & Davis EP. (2020) Prenatal programming of neurodevelopment: imaging and structural changes. In A Wazana, E Szekely & TF Oberlander (Eds.) Prenatal Stress and Child Development. Springer Nature.
Garcia SE, Perzow SED, Hennessey EMP, Glynn LM & Davis EP. (in press) Examining the relation between maternal pregnancy-related anxiety and child development. In R Dryer & R Brunton (Eds.) Pregnancy-Related Anxiety: Theory, Research and Practice. Routledge.
Swales DA, Snyder HR, Hankin BL, Sandman CA, Glynn LM & Davis EP. (2020) Maternal depressive symptoms predict general and internalizing-specific liability in child psychopathology. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 27, 1-12.
Noroña-Zhou AN, Morgan A, Glynn LM, Sandman CA & Davis EP. (2020) Unpredictable maternal behavior is associated with a blunted infant cortisol response. Developmental Psychobiology, 62, 882-888.
Peterson GF, Espel EV, Davis EP, Sandman CA & Glynn LM. (2020) Characterizing prenatal maternal distress with unique prenatal cortisol trajectories. Health Psychology.
Howland MA, Sandman CA, Davis EP, Stern H, Phelan M, Baram TZ, & Glynn LM. (2020) Unpredictability of prenatal maternal mood is associated with child cognitive development. Emotion.
Howland MA, Sandman CA, Davis EP & Glynn LM. (in press) Prenatal maternal psychological distress and fetal developmental trajectories: associations with infant temperament. Development & Psychopathology.
Martinez LD, Glynn LM, Sandman CA, Wing DA & Davis EP. (in press) Cesarean delivery and infant cortisol regulation. Psychoneuroendocrinology.