Dr. Keith Howard

Dr. Keith Howard

Professor, Director of Ph.D. in Education Program
Attallah College of Educational Studies
Expertise: K-12 Computer Science; Equity in Access to STEM Education; National Longitudinal Dataset Analyses; K-12 Program Evaluation; Career and Technical Education Research;
Office Location: Reeves Hall
Scholarly Works:
Digital Commons
California State University, Long Beach, Bachelor of Arts
California State University, Dominguez Hills, Master of Arts
University of Southern California, Ph.D.

Video Profile


Keith Howard is a Professor of Education and the Director of the Ph.D. in Education Program at the Attallah College of Educational Studies. His research interests include technology use in education, ethical issues in K-12 education, and equity issues in mathematics. Dr. Howard previously worked as a mathematics teacher, computer science teacher, and a technology coordinator in the Los Angeles Unified School District. He earned his B.A. in Business Administration at California State University at Long Beach, his M.A. in Teaching and Curriculum at California State University at Dominguez Hills, and his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Technology at the University of Southern California. He has taught courses in Educational Psychology at USC, UCLA, and CSUDH, as well as courses in Teacher Education, Educational Technology, Technology Ethics, and Quantitative Statistics at Chapman University.

Dr. Howard previously worked as a Senior Research Associate in the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST) at UCLA. At CRESST he served as the co-lead of professional development for an Institute of Educational Sciences funded research study examining middle school mathematics achievement.; He has conducted professional development for elementary and middle school teachers in several school districts in Southern California and Arizona on topics addressing schema-based mathematics instruction, metacognition in mathematics, and working memory implications for mathematics performance.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Howard, K. E., Howard, N. R., Havard, D. D., & Wall, A. F. (2022). Career and Technical Education’s Unequal Dividends for High School Students: The stratification of a new generation. Urban Education, https://doi.org/10.1177/00420859211073890
Co-Editor, Journal of Computer Science Integration.
Howard, N. R., & Howard, K. E. (2021). Preparing for powerful progress: Ensuring equity when supporting black students. In J. Lalas (Ed.), Minding the marginalized students through inclusion, justice, and hope: Daring to transform educational inequities. Melbourne, Australia: Emerald Publishing.
Howard, N. R., & Howard, K. E. (2020). Coding + Math: Strengthen K-5 Math Skills with Computer Science. International Society for Technology in Education.
Howard, K. E., & Havard, D. D. (2019). Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Principles: Searching for Equity in a Two-Tiered Solution to Underrepresentation. Journal of Computer Science Integration, 2(1), 1-15. doi:https://doi.org/10.26716/jcsi.2019.02.1.1
Havard, D. D., & Howard, K. E. (2019). All Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science is Not Created Equal: A Comparison of AP Computer Science A and Computer Science Principles. Journal of Computer Science Integration, 2(2), 1-19. doi:https://doi.org/10.26716/jcsi.2019.02.1.2
Howard, N. R., Howard, K. E., Busse, R. T., & Hunt, C. (2019). Let’s talk: An examination of parental involvement as a predictor of STEM achievement in math for high school girls. Urban Education. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0042085919877933
Howard, N. R., & Howard, K. E. (2017). Using Tablet Technologies to Engage and Motivate Urban High School Students. International Journal of Educational Technology, 4(2), 66-74.
Kasamatsu, T. M., Cleary, M. A., Bennett, J. P., Howard, K. E., & Valovich McLeod, T. C. (2016). Investigating existence and comprehensiveness of athletic trainers' concussion management policies. Athletic Training and Sports Health Care, 8(3), 112-120. doi:10.3928/19425864-20160225-01
Kasamatsu, T., Cleary, M., Bennett, J., Howard, K., & Valovich McLeod, T. (2016). Examining academic support after concussion for the adolescent student-athlete: Perspectives of the athletic trainer. Journal of Athletic Training, 51(4), 153-161. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-51.4.02
Howard, K. E., Romero, M., Scott, A. & Saddler, D. (2015). Success after Failure: Academic effects and psychological implications of early universal algebra policies. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 8(1), 31-61.
Howard, K. E., Curwen, M. S., Howard, N. R., & Colon-Muniz, A. (2014). Attitudes toward using social networking sites in educational settings with underperforming Latino youth: A mixed methods study. Urban Education. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0042085914537000
Howard, K. E. (2013). Using Facebook and other SNSs in k-12 classrooms: Ethical considerations for safe social networking. Issues in Teacher Education, 22, 39–54.
Curwen, M. S., Howard, K. E. (2013). Cultivating Democracy at one high school intervention program for Latinos at risk of dropping out. The National Journal of Urban Education & Practice, 7(3), 1–15.
Howard, K. E., Curwen, M. S., & Colon-Muniz, A. (2013). Evaluation of Anaheim High School Independent Learning Center Year One Data Report: 2011-2012. Orange, CA: Chapman University, College of Educational Studies.
Howard, K. E. (2013). Chapman-Orange High School iPad Program Evaluation Phase One Data Report: Spring 2013. Orange, CA: Chapman University, College of Educational Studies.
Howard, K. E. (2012) “Hybrid Technology Classrooms for Science and Mathematics Instruction,” in Book Three of the Trilogy: The Hope for Audacity: Recapturing optimism and civility in education, edited by Swim, T., Howard, K., and Kim, I.H. New York, NY: Lang Publishers, Inc.
Swim, T., Howard, K. E., & Kim, I.-H., editors (2012). The Hope for Audacity: Recapturing optimism and civility in education. New York, NY: Lang Publishers, Inc.
Howard, K. E., (2010, April). Computer-Based Math Concept Acquisition and Automaticity. Poster session at the American Educational Research Association. Denver, CO.
Howard, K. E. & Anderson, K. A. (2010). Stereotype Threat in Middle School: The effects of prior performance on expectancy and test performance. Middle Grades Research Journal, 5(3), 119-137.
Anderson, K. A., Howard, K., & Graham, A. (2009). Reading achievement, suspensions, and African American males in middle school. In D. L. Hough (Eds.). Middle Grades Research: Exemplary studies linking theory to practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Howard, K., (2009, March). Transfer Effects of Working Memory Capacity. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA.
Howard, K., Vendlinski, T., Hemberg, B., Niemi, D., & Phelan, J. (2009). Using Error Patterns Formatively: data driven outcomes. New Hampshire Journal of Education, 24-31.