• candidate shaking hands with employer at career fair
  • chapman students on tour of houzz employer
  • candidate shaking hands with employer at career fair
  • top employers 2020 standing in front of slide with their logos
Hire Chapman Grads

» Recruit a Graduate

Getting Started

If you or your organization are looking for top-notch talent to fill roles within your team, look no further than Chapman’s network of outstanding students and alumni. Think Chapman First and hire a Chapman recent graduate to join your team! 

Post a Job

Post your listing on Chapman's job portal, Handshake


Employer Engagement

Learn more about recruiting opportunities at Chapman


Premier Employer Partner Program

Enhance your brand on Chapman's campus

education meets experience

Why Hire Chapman Talent?

Equipped with a world-class, personalized education that includes hands-on research, experiential education, internship opportunities and on-the-job training, Chapman graduates are ready to enter the workforce with experience under their belt and a reputation for demonstrating exceptional value to their employers.

They are ready to contribute to meaningful problem-solving in team settings and bring the practical skills needed to hit the ground running and add value.

(Note: The following percentages reflect the Class of 2023 data. Class of 2024 data is being collected.)


have practical industry experience  



frequency rating
when demonstrating
career-readiness skills


internship employer satisfaction rate


A message from Dean Jerry Price


Video from Chapman University Career on Yuja.

Every May, over 2,500 talented Chapman students hailing from over 100 prestigious and diverse undergraduate and graduate academic programs  cross the commencement stage and begin their alumni journey.

Be a part of Chapman University's story by recruiting our talented recent graduates to join your team.  

From your early talent openings for our driven undergraduate class to skilled mid-career opportunities that require unique master's or doctorate degrees, we are ready to help you attract well-rounded, cross-disciplined job candidates for every position.